Genshin Impact 2.7 Delay UPDATE | Are We Getting A NEW BANNER?

Addressing the speculations of the community as well as sharing why I think a potential new banner will be up for us to fill the void.



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43 thoughts on “Genshin Impact 2.7 Delay UPDATE | Are We Getting A NEW BANNER?”

  1. I doubt its him again, just cause he had a filler once doesn't mean its gonna be him as a filler maybe another standard 5*? anyway i hope everyone stay safe and healthy ♡

  2. At best they would put some Standard banner character.
    But if they put the Kazuha banner. That would be dope, it will make them a lot of profit since he will appear all of a sudden and keep the players happy for some time.

    I don’t think this issue will fly by in 3 weeks. They might integrate 2.7 and 2.8 contents and it will just be 2.7 patch. If the issue isn’t fixed in 3 weeks.
    We will see.

  3. im against the idea of putting a limited character banner in this downtime, not only having a delay but now also ruining people plans for the future and screw people over.
    and YES if you don't have a plan in this game you are screwed especially f2p so i don't want someone to come in turning his lights off and pretend like that isn't the case.
    For example someone who could possibly be waiting for kazuha then he gets his rerun in this downtime where this specific player can't even pull for and now they have to wait a whole another year for another rerun and lose interest in the game in the process…
    standard banner character would be fine but other than that i would be highly disappointed in mihoyo, because its not the player's fault this whole situation and as we all know Mihoyo isn't generous either to dismiss this problem.

  4. If it has to be a standard character ANYONE but the 3 purple chicks. ( so either Jean or Diluc). I have collected QiQi 9000, Mona c9000 ( the most recent curse) and Kequing c9000. I can't stand them anymore. >_< And I'd rather take an early Kazuha re run, poor guy, we saw him only once. ( or Xiao early re run, i missed him twice). But i have zero hopes in Hoyo, i am 100% sure they'll screw this up, god forbid to give something nice to players. I am more interested in what they're gonna do with the Battle Pass (<— aka: fragile resin supplies)

  5. Personally. I am not opposed to a banner like Klee who hasn’t been here for ~45 weeks or a standard banner character. It would mean 3 weeks of not spending for me which is awesome because more Kazuha and Cyno funds! 🙂 I’m personally ok with just doing my dailies because I feel like I’m investing for Sumeru.

  6. I think they might do a standard banner characters.
    I would love if it was kazuha, but that would be copium. I just hope it’s not childe because I actually want him, but I want to use my guaranteed for kazuha first.

  7. People see a delay they cry, I see a delay I laugh. Why? More time to save primos for Yelan.

    Also i would rather they delay then give us an undercooked patch, hell I wish they had delayed a few times for new character to better think trought what htey wanted with og Zhongli and Miko, so that their kit would not ba such piss on release.

  8. At first a part of me thinks that they may not even put up a new limited banner and just have the standard out, but that would be the worse situation for them because then they wouldn't be making money at all. They will have to slot someone in even if its mr. worldwide. If thats the case hopefully its someone im not really desperate for so I can save lol. I wasn't playing yet when Kazuha was on the banner, so I unfortunately never got a chance to pull on him. I'm ready for the maple leaf man!

  9. Not sure what's the issue about here, we'll likely just get no banner and no events. Just do your dailies and wait for the next update, expecting anything would just bring disappointment

  10. I heard it could be a 3 week delay.. I'm just wondering if the delay (or 2.6 extension) will make them shorten 2.7 to compensate, or if everything from this point will be pushed back… I'd love to have extra time to save, but if they cut 2.7 by half then we won't actually have any extra time.. ;c

  11. 4:24 WAIT reason why it CANT be Itto is because his rerun was already confirmed and originally planned for 2.7 and the entire main event was literally all about him. That means recorded voice lines and story and animations and everything. They can’t just cancel all that. Now Klee and yoimiya maybeeee but the chance is still super low since they are planned for 2.8 and they’ve probably already started working on it. (just go look at leaks, you can’t miss it, the info is as clear as day)

  12. Limited banner would make some people mad except whales. because this nobody expecting a situation like this to happen so people wouldn't be able to pull in this banner if the character they like shows up becuase they didn't save for them.
    On itto he's pretty much will have a rerun in 2.7. I don't know if HYV will move him up front because a lot of people talking that they might move Itto and Xiao up front to fill the gap

  13. am I the only one who think that putting a character rerun right now will conflict with yelan sells and that not really what hoyoverse want since their need to sell that new character ?

  14. i’m currently grinding mora, XP books, and materials for Xiao and Itto. I still hope the current “rumors” are Yelan and Xiao then Itto to give me enough time to grab xiao then save for itto.

  15. yeah it is so unreasonable to expect hoyoverse to give good compensation for weeks of literally no content… this playerbase is to toxic expecting anything from a humble greedy company


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