[Genshin Impact] 2.1 Story Cutscenes

All the cutscenes on Genshin Impact 2.1 story quest.

Man wish I put my Seelie before recording these, I didn’t notice they’re still noisy in the cutscenes. Sorry if it ruined your immersion. It won’t happen again.

(If Baal story also has cutscene I’ll upload it again as next video)


36 thoughts on “[Genshin Impact] 2.1 Story Cutscenes”

  1. No matter if you agree with her actions or not, her personally is the most godly outta the archon's yet. Powerful, Unbending, thinking that everything she's doing is right and for her ppl, and striking down those who oppose her. when she walks towards signora, you can see the fear in signora's eyes. rip

  2. I’m sorry this quest was really lack luster so much story too face pacing. Honestly they could of waited and released a more cohesive story. Also I think Signora should not have been killed off this early in the story when there was already so much lore about her that could of been explored. Idk I just don’t feel satisfied with how they did this quest. So much potential to rushed

  3. This story was amazinggggg. Stories like these that leave you super happy and not being able to get them out of your mind are truly special. Makes you feel motivated


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