In this video I detail why MiHoYo did not address new lategame features for Genshin Impact 2.0. Also, I highlight some of the reasons as to why players will likely leave.



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  1. I totally forgot about this. They should increase the level cap of everything so we can fight stronger enemies and continue bettering ourselves as players. I don't want content that's too difficult but continuous progression through the regions would be great. If everything stays lvl 90 max that's kinda weird 😅🤔

  2. Your videos always make us write essays in comments, Walrus.

    You got a lot of great points. Any businesses will do the same thing, prioritization, the 80/20 is to identify what's most productive and prioritize on those. For the last 30 days Genshin has 43M players on monthly average and 11M players in a day. As much as we thought a lot of us have stopped playing, these numbers are climbing since launch. My point is, with this huge base, there will be a lot of opinions on what's important. Mihoyo will obviously picks up what can be fixed immediately with the largest gain as they go along to develop more contents.

    I have to say though since the Archipelago, I hardly pick up another game I'm playing because there's so much to do in a day. The dailies, weeklies, abyss, serenitea pot, character building (31 of them, experiment time!) using up my resins, farming, weekly events and also web events. I could easily spend 3 hours a day on Genshin and thats plenty for me. And I haven't even played the latest Archon quest yet. I haven't forgotten we had dry spells that I stopped logging in a few weeks but I am now back on daily. Will we get to the dry spell after we exhausted Inazuma? I expect that but I am okay with it as maybe I am jaded enough to accept that it comes with the territory. I can always fallback to my other games while we wait for new contents.

    I love that we love Genshin so much because that's where the strong opinion comes from. It is out of love for this amazing game. When I read comments even on parts that I don't agree with, I can't help but feel the love. We all collectively wants Genshin to continue to improve. I do think they are working on them, some faster than the other. While we worry on the future, let's not forget to live in the moment and enjoy this game for all the joy it brings and let's continue giving Mihoyo constructive feedbacks. Onwards and upwards!

  3. Thing is it’s the drawback of being on pc etc genshin is a gacha the more patches the events shows it more , remener fishl / dragons line albedo event right …. Yea that got swamped with insert boss arena or non story mini game easy to input / resource since Mihoyo wants to focus on story / map design ( pay attention to the 2.0 stream they blandly talked about map design ) so yea the end game we want won’t ever come to genshin so let’s enjoy our wonderful artifact farm…. It just it is what is enjoy the map and story and blow up your credit card getting a 3D waifu husbando

  4. Genshin should change their gacha system, not everyone would have 90 fates to get a guaranteed character, it's so hard. They should give us a mileage system. For example: The gacha system of Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross. The system is fun. Banners are 300 to 600 to 900 gems. At 900 you can choose which character. They should give us events to get more primogems. Better events especially for F2Ps.

  5. I think less playtime is better for a gacha game. Every other gacha game I've played have me grinding everyday for 3-5 hours(Honkai) and it's a fucking time sink. Arknights had a stamina refresh rate of 1per 6 minutes and it's all just me grinding afk on an emulator. Then there's BanGDream where it's just the classic japanese gacha game event rotation, a game where you're expected to open every 5 hours.

    The current genshin system is much more engaging and straight forward. I can take my time or I can rush through it in 20 minutes. The gacha is very rewarding too as you can get a whole 3D avatar as opposed to the jpeg gacha. For the average player this makes no difference but to hobbyist writers and artists, this is a lot. Genshin also pays a lot of attention to us with how much consistent art contests they're throwing and them encouraging fanmade content.

  6. it needs a central hub you can go to and meet other players and raid etc…i really loved this game and have been playing since launch AR57 but honestly if inazuma is not good and some of these things arent fixed ill probably quit entirely

  7. it's ok, I thought the same thing in the livestream. I barely play genshin nowadays, new place is fun and all but more of the same thing, so not really exciting.

  8. Realy walrus No one looks up to whales if anything they are looked down on is it wrong for some yes for others no depends on the whale my end goal and there time limit to keep me hooked is fountain I want to go there and I want to see how they are gonna work with the twins and no this is not a leak mihoyo has a some what road map on there channel

  9. Just fix the artifact system, it's so disappointing and demotivating to farm 1 whole month and not get a single good artifact, especially since artifact farming is the end-game rn.

  10. there is no "late game content", what you really want was inexhaustible gaming experience with a single implementation. that doesn't exist. if you want meaningful progression, that's the updates!

  11. I think Mihoyo is still experimenting wih these events to see what could be a potential endgame content. Because adding endgame content to this game would make more player to crave for more endgame since they would not be satisfied to the added endgame content. For example, adding the vagabond event as permanent content would be nice for the short term and at some point they would get bored at it (depends on the player) since it is repetitive. And players would complain to add more endgame content and the cycle never stops. Its gonna be hard to please every player that is just how it is.

  12. It's really a casual game. It's not an MMO. And I don't want them to go down that endless grind route in some boring endgame or even start to experiment with PVP. It never ends well.

  13. Mihoyo probably think that Inazuma by itself is enough to keep players happy (which is 100% corect) so they just pushed end game problem for later.

    But yeah game definitly need something more than Abyss. Not really more grind but just some mods/places when you can use your characters and try out diffrent team comps.

  14. you know, lets say there a 1% of whales among all players. you guys the whales had it easy IS THE PRIVILAGE. you got your money worth. us dolphins must drain our brain juice and mentally endure even the spiral abyss. and small fry avoids the abyss completely mind you. so if you want more challenge why don't you create an F2P account and see what most of us are having in this game… but nah, you wouldn't enjoy the game as much because you are whales. this is my perspective see, the majority of players are pure or semi F2P. so mihoyo calculated everything. why not just ask for a level up on the world level, heck ask for two or three harder levels. i bet after that you are gonna ask for a better drop rate for fairness sake. a neverending requests.

  15. At least we're getting events with difficulty settings. But idk why those have to go away. I would like to have an amplifier with different settings every month/half month just like an abyss(not asking for the same rewards tho, something like mora+ores would be fine).

  16. "End game" thing prob will just end up making more player complaining especially considering what u see with the latest never ending battle (i see lot of people complaining already)

  17. I have an idea: Activating world hardcore mode for a specific time like 30 minutes, during this time monster are level over 100 just like abyss floor and their drop should random 5 star artifacts, more mora and mats. The bigger the enemies the better the drop rate.


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