Genshin Has a Big Issue | Genshin Impact

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46 thoughts on “Genshin Has a Big Issue | Genshin Impact”

  1. I think you made a better point in a previous video. Right now, new characters ARE the content for Hoyoverse. Not areas. Not dungeons. Leveling up a character and their talents are the only meaningful content.

    Hoyoverse considers that time to run around and get the materials slowly when you need them as “content”.

    What Genshin needs is better competition to drive it in a better direction. Have meaningful daily or weekly content that people can play.

  2. You described a lot of reasons why I don't play Genshin anymore. Every time I got a character it just felt like I had to put them in a fancy display case that only opens 10 mins a day.

  3. They should've had at least the level up system similar to Honkai. Universal mats & just let talents use the Genshin method. Or vice versa. I finally hit my burnout after playing since day 1, and it feels horrible. Can't level up my weapons, can't max characters to have a bigger team pool. It sucks right now.

  4. For me as a F2Pain, the parametric thing is worthless just because you get random shit, this game needs more player desition making and less RNG, every single type of material needs a converter( and not 3 to 1…that shit needs a 1 to 1 ratio of convertion because of how slow is the progress), they need to add more Artifact sets to the converter, damn we need a alquemist table in the domains to stop having to go to the cities to convert only 4 condense resins….that is annoying(or at least remove the limit of condence resin an let me save my resin for when i need it)

  5. Im glad characters still use older more “universal” materials like Slimes and arrowheads etc but one thing I’ve noticed that I don’t like: New characters using new materials that don’t thematically make sense. Like why is Shenhe using Enkanomiya boss mats and Signora weekly mats when she has nothing to do with it, or Yoimiya and Ayaka using Azhdaha. Like when if Shinobu or Heizou is released, I’m pretty sure they’ll be using boss material from Chasm when they’re Inazuman unless they tie in the lore somehow. That’s just my gripe with the game and I think this would eliminate some issues with unused boss materials / older boss materials. At least they keep talent books to the same region

  6. You know the funny thing is, they could remove resin cost from artifact domains and I still wouldnt have more than 3characters done since my luck is dogpoopoo, i now randomly have several characters who need the handguards and they barely drop, but nobody and their mom needs these damn divine scrolls or these insignias the hoarders drop i have over thousand of these each. maybe one character who needed mirror maiden mats they are piling up in my inventory too. And yeah imagine a new player starts in like 3.3 and gets the new character cause reruns are inazuma again and they cant build the characters cause everythings locked. they need eventually to rework this system. 2.6 will have another new boss who drops apparently only geo crystals? whos gonna use that anyways we just had a load of geo units and I really dont wanna farm several bosses for 1character as if it isnt consuming already enough time.

  7. You know the funny thing is, they could remove resin cost from artifact domains and I still wouldnt have more than 3characters done since my luck is dogpoopoo, i now randomly have several characters who need the handguards and they barely drop, but nobody and their mom needs these damn divine scrolls or these insignias the hoarders drop i have over thousand of these each. maybe one character who needed mirror maiden mats they are piling up in my inventory too. And yeah imagine a new player starts in like 3.3 and gets the new character cause reruns are inazuma again and they cant build the characters cause everythings locked. they need eventually to rework this system. 2.6 will have another new boss who drops apparently only geo crystals? whos gonna use that anyways we just had a load of geo units and I really dont wanna farm several bosses for 1character as if it isnt consuming already enough time.

  8. Dis a funny one. Basically if you are a new player but you have a REAL friend who's end game with access to the entire pool of resources map and bosses. Your friend can lower his world level to match yours so you jump into his world and farm the mats for the newer characters you cannot at the beginning of the game

  9. Yo man. Even the parametric transformer cant keep up. You can only use it once a week and it can only take 150 items. I Accumulate way more than what I can possibly use for the rest of my gaming lifespan on genshin. And bloated inventory leads to wasted storage space and landing times. Either let us get rid of it efficiently (cause you can still trash some items but it gives you nothing in return) or make content that uses old material. One of the two hoyoverse.

  10. I totally agree. It's becoming ridiculous how many boss, talents, weapons, normals enemy drops we are having and new characters/weapons require them. Not to mention they are region locked. Old materials are getting useless nowadays that's why i only farm do the 3 latest weekly boss now unless I want to build older characters. This is becoming too ridiculous. They release a new character from Liyue yet it requires a boss drops from Inazuma/Enkanomiya. With no direct story relationship with them. As an old player, it's fine but as a new player, this is ridiculous and new units are basically useless for them until they get to that specific region. This sounds like a separate but related issue.

  11. Honestly the diversity of enemy drops doesn't bother me much. A way to make them less useless though would be to just make them able to be converted into mora. 1k, 3k, 9k, and 12k per material depending on rarity (keeps the price consistent so you can't exploit with alchemy). Let's be honest, no one likes wasting resin on farming mora so anything that cuts down on that would be nice. Even if you use the transformer every week you are still going to pick up a lot more mats than you'll ever use.

    Out of all the issues in Genshin. I do think that this is one that doesn't need to be a priority to address.

  12. Started 5 months ago.Nowadays i just login, do dailies and spend resin.Sometimes i don't even spend the resin anymore as I am getting very bored of farming the same domain over and over.The new characters that came out was also really disappointing. Sad to see how some characters that were famous before released got hated so much on after they are released.Especially if you are spending your hard earned primogems on them.

  13. i realized this with talent books
    the days i have to farm never have the books or weapon materials i need
    so i waste resin on artifacts domains when i don't want or need to run them (with the horrible rng drops)
    it just makes me not want to play (and grow to hate it)

    i just can't be bothered to remember what is available on which days and login specifically to get them
    i'm too busy with my real life shit to micro-manage a god damn mobile game

  14. I was thinking of the same thing today because I do my parametric transformer on Mondays, I saw that I have over 2k of that blue crystal ore. As a F2P I ain't ever gonna convert my resin into enhancement mats so that 2k ore is totally wasted. I wish everthing would give out mora when destroyed and not just artifacts.

  15. There’s another issue with the weekly bosses besides what you mentioned. That being the resin cost and billets. There are now 6 weekly bosses with 3 costing 30 resin each and 3 costing 60. Now this ordinarily wouldn’t be an issue if you’ve gotten all the mats you need for the old characters. You could just skip the old bosses. However, most veteran f2p and budget players mainly farm old weekly bosses for weapon prototypes/billets. They should make billets a possible event reward or find some other new way to allow us to earn them so we’re not building up unusable mats while spending a ridiculous amount of resin on weekly bosses. This would help save resin while also having a better option to gain prototypes. But this is mainly an issue for new, ftp and budget players who need billets for current and future craftable weapons.

  16. I am super happy about this. The old formula is reaching its limit. Hoyoverse has to create a new formula or the game will get bloated and boring. They actually asked in their survey if daily grind is getting boring. Maybe its Sumeru that will bring the big expansion/revamp but change is needed. Even the bp pass doesn't make sense anymore. They're running out of room to add more talent book rewards.

  17. this survey I suggested respawn chests in explorated areas. makes no sense for no primo refils with the amount of primos needed nowadays. genshin's main thing is exploration, they should stick to that and make it permanent.

    edit: puzzles as well, everything is openned to debate atp tbh.
    edit2: artifacts also drop froms chests and we are also always in desperate need of the artifact xp because of terrible RNG system with stats AND substats…

  18. This is the solution for not having access to the resources you need for newer players, just let them convert the older materials, As for the boss material problem with the region lock they can just do that portal thingy like they added on the perpetual mechanical array before you finished the quest. They can fix two birds in one stone in that way.

  19. I know this may be a bit unrelated but I feel like I’m loosing freedom as genshin goes on and as I approach end game. I am a slave to meta because I just need those primogems. I need those primogems because I’m a slave to saving up for upcoming characters. Once I get that character, I’m a slave to raising them.
    Of course, this may just be a gaming experience, but I’ve never been restrained as much as this since the time when I stopped playing moba games.

  20. Thats something i've been putting into the last box of their surveys everytime, that i would not be able to recommend this game to new players, atleast not for the reason to play it with other people and grind and eventually paying for new characters which is ultimatively the kind of player they would want to earn money with… there is no content that is worth all the time gating that you have to endure to actually level up your characters, and outside of this one fragment of content where you have some use out of it you don't even need it. recommending it to play through the story once and have some fun with exploring an unknown map is okay, but that won't make them any kind of money, so i have always been wondering what they are even trying to do here – especially considering how many events and things are more so made to please casuals, the ones who do not care about the daily login anyway and don't really care to buy additional ressources either when the game is easy enough…
    and just selling characters for who they are and all the backgrounds… if that is the main thing, then why do we not get more content with said characters?
    It's really confusing, i just hope they will come up with solutions for new players

  21. At some point, they have to realize that even if a game with 3 regions (and more to come in future of course) has a lot of game content, the excessive time-gates and progression halters in-place are going to burn new players out before they even get caught up. Because the characters are an integral part of the game, a lot of them are not going to be happy with them sitting at level 40 before you reach Region X to even get a chance to grind the mats out.

  22. I feel like this isn't really an issue. If you have too many of an old mat or talent book, that just means you grinded for more then you need and you ended up wasting resin in my opinion. I only ever grind for the exact amounts I need. The only time I ever grind for more then I need is when the next character I'm going to level needs those mats or books as well. Also there is crafting. You can simply grind for the bare minimum and then convert up lower tier mats into higher ones. The solution for this problem is simple: Don't over grind. Stick to the exact amounts you need for any particular character. Only grind more then what you need if you're going to work on another character who uses those same items. It's not rocket science.

  23. A noticeable artifact (heh) of its time is fragile resin and it restoring only 60 resin. They really couldn't have adjusted it to be half of the new 160 cap when that came out huh.

  24. Generally they aren't interchangeable and only ones from the same boss are but another problem is the talent materials being the same for a few characters chongyun jean xinqiu yunjin Sara and Jean and I think itto and a few more characters all use hilichurl masks

  25. After the report came out that this game made over a billion dollars in their first year, I stopped giving them benefit of the doubt. Nevermind the report came out during the disaster of a 1 Year Anniversary, I was pissed in general. Just what are you blowing your money on that you can't improve the game, Mihoyo?

  26. I was thinking that they would open up trade between the nations as we progress the story line. So materials from mondstadt could be traded/sold to merchants in Inazuma for a profit or exchanged for that cultures materials. But no, we cant and that is a shame.

  27. i started playing the game about 3-4 weeks after release and i thought it was such a drag when i had to rush down to liyue to get sea shells for tartaglia when i didn’t even feel done with mondstadt yet.
    i can’t even IMAGINE a new player pulling raiden shogun/kujo sara on her upcoming banner in the first couple of days, googling where to get her amakumo fruit and storm beads and seeing a marker on seirai island on the opposite side of a map that’s at least FOUR TIMES the size of what they have visible. meanwhile they hav an inventory flooded with broken arrows 💀

  28. You know, I used to feel this way to, and then I found another game which I absolutely Love! It's called "Subnautica: Below Zero" there's so much to do, I'm thankful I only have to do commissions, and daily's on Genshin. Seems to me like, you just need another passion; and you won't give a shit about a game that drains your bank account, and doesn't allow you to play!


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