Genshin Fans Was Thrown Out of Mihoyo Headquarter

how can Mihoyo kick out one of his loyal genshin impact fans out of their headquarters!? how arrogance of them!
but…is it true that that what’s happened?



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48 thoughts on “Genshin Fans Was Thrown Out of Mihoyo Headquarter”

  1. because you're a whale you can do anything you want
    its own decision to spend your own money
    that whale don't even have experience in making something in a game
    just because that person spent $5,00 he suddenly can make something in the game or give the staff some opinions?
    its the arrogance of that person
    also in big company..any big company you need appointment or something they know you will come, you cant just barge in the company building
    as a business owner i will also kick out any person that will do the same thing
    even that person don't spend any money anymore the banners still will earn millions

  2. They were probably scared they he might actually give them good ideas because he's played the game unlike their own employees.
    They were scared about their own jobs. 🤣

    He might have asked them to make changes that are actually necessary in the game like making constellations toggleable or giving an endgame content. 🤣

  3. I don't agree with the way he approached them.

    But I do feel the sentiment. I myself, feel like I can give these fuckers better opinions on how to make the game better. I've got at least 6 to 8 points they need to work on immediately. And some of you probably have even more.

    I agree that playing the game doesn't necessarily mean you've got the ability to work for them. But it also goes the other way, playing the game actually means you understand the requirements as gamer you want them to fulfill. Because right now I feel like they don't even play the game themselves, giving trial characters the shitty builds. 🤣

  4. Lol the guy had it coming to him. Barging into a company just to apply a job without a single basic knowledge on how to perform the job and saying that you buying a lot of their products makes you eligible for it will surely warrant you a kick out from their premises. I hope the dude learns a lesson though, also cool ruin guard statue.

  5. 5000 dollars is about only like a months of pay. There is no way any company will hire a fresh no skill given that they volunteer for even a year, let alone for only a month

  6. That man was delusional if he thought that playing the game automatically makes him a game designer. I have a friend who studied to be a game designer and even he said it’s extremely hard to get into an established gaming company. Your best bet is starting your own business which will require a lot of money and support from rich folks willing to take a gamble at your business.

  7. I wouldnt want a nobody-waler to go in there make changes in genshin unless he has a genshin community following him and both agrees on certain issues to change. He’s a nobody his losses. Moving on.

  8. You just realized Mihoyo doesn’t care about any type of player? They just created a trap game to scam you, and you are all throwing them your money thinking it helps the development, when it’s only making the game worse.

  9. MHY doing something normal to protect their employees and their internal security.

    Genshin player that has no experience yet nothing to provide to the company forcing to join : MHY was arrogance!!!!

  10. Bruh, as someone who actually try to work in a Game Industry (currently in college with Major in Games) I feel like I want to slap this person in the face for how naive they are


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