Genshin Character Changes That COULD Happen! | Genshin Impact

It stands to reason that many different character changes could be coming to Genshin, so who’s most at risk of being changed and why?

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21 thoughts on “Genshin Character Changes That COULD Happen! | Genshin Impact”

  1. How do you feel about the upcoming new skins and are there any characters you're afraid of changing too much? Even if it doesn't matter for us NA peeps. Maybe there's someone you WANT to change.

  2. If people are complaining about everything MiHoYo should give every character a bag skin. Problem solved. Moana's change I understand. Lisa climbing and Qiqi gliding sound should be changed to. If not already done so.

  3. If they ever clad noelle with a full body armor as befits her role of a healer tank (aka paladin), I might main her again.

    If xingqiu ever gets a long trousers, I would feel proud using him.

    If yanfei ever dresses like a proper law expert, I might consider maining her, when I am doing coop with my cousins and nephews. No worries about being caught playing by their old-school parents who rants on video game skimpy clothing designs all the time.

    Edit: And oh the things I would do if they buff itto's noodl–

  4. People think that females are so sexualized but they never look at Gorou. Gorou literally has a thigh/butt window, an exposed top and submissive and breedable voice lines

  5. There's another thing that bothers me about this censorship deal: the guidelines mention cracking down on "feminine men" too. Now, I'm personally a fan of manly dudes in my games. The bigger and buffer, the better; but I have a problem if the reason why we could potentially get buff dudes is censorship. What does "feminine man" even mean anyway? Is it no sensitive male characters? No eyelashes on male characters? Cracking down on Venti's puffy pantaloons? Who knows! And we probably won't know, but future designs might still get influenced by this despite the Cognosphere move.

    Let's not forget genshin's main audience is and will always be China, and us NA and EU players are just an afterthought.

  6. Aside from chest and armpits ive heard that having the pant line above the *ahem* area is a big nono too (hence the mona change). Cant be sure tho

    Apparently it looks too much like underwear or booty shorts

  7. Yeah from what I've seen this isn't going to be that much of a big thing and it won't affect us that much I saw a post on Reddit saying it's basically to show the CCP they have done some work on censorship my guess is if anything they will use this as an opportunity to bring out more skins while trying to keep the character similar but we will get the free skins and the Chinese server will just have them as default skins

  8. It's funny you mentioned Xiangling's eyebrows. I live in the midwestern United States and always thought her eyebrows must be some sort of an anime thing, but then when I was visiting a nearby state the woman at the hotel front desk had the exact same eyebrows! So, people do that in real life…


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