Ganyu Day 1 Impressions | Genshin Impact

My day 1 impressions of the new 5 star Cryo bow unit, Ganyu. I go over everything I learned on day 1, talk about the buff to her burst, her skill mechanics, and weapon and artifact options.

Ganyu’s kit Info:

Check out my downloadable Dmg Calculator:

Thoughts and Review Videos:

Razor Series:

DPS Noelle Series:

How I get Nvidia Overlay to work with Genshin Impact:
Nvidia Control Panel, Manage 3D Settings, Program Settings, Add Genshin to the list

Time Stamps:
00:00 Intro
01:03 Buff to her Burst
01:48 Frostflake Bonus Dmg Interaction
02:11 Amos Bow and Slingshot Interactions
03:41 E Skill Mechanics
04:11 Burst Skill Mechanics
04:52 Frostflake Arrow Mechanics
06:55 Shield-wielding Enemies
08:10 Artifacts
09:39 Weapons
10:21 Closing Thoughts

UID: 900110083
Region: HK


40 thoughts on “Ganyu Day 1 Impressions | Genshin Impact”

  1. Thanks for explaining the Amos vs Slingshot mechanics to me folks, it all makes sense now!

    P.S. That cameo segment wasn't meant as a negative jab at Demone in any way, absolutely zero hate here folks! I just thought it was funny cos I was having such a hard time with Ganyu when I watched his video.

  2. Demone always says every new character is insane and power creeps old ones, even Zhongli lawl. His videos stopped being objective a long time ago 😴. That said, she's easier to use than I expected, but she might not be universally easy for everyone to use.

  3. Shield wielding Enemies are just BROKEN Krush it's ridiculous that a tiny ass Hilichurl with an even tinier Shield can block Claymores double or even triple their size all-day as well as them blocking AoE dmg from the Bloom will facing you their Shield isn't a Shield at all it's a 360° Bubble that absorbs all DMG and since Mob's don't have stamina they are just broken strong.

  4. The shield wielding mobs can indeed be annoying. I need to “git gud,” but I think there is a way around it. Taunt + hitting from the side/back perhaps. Also, I’ve found that if you aim the shot at the ground, the blossom will still sometimes hit. I need to figure out how to do that consistently.

    I’m having a lot of fun with her. I still don’t know the best team to use with her as a main DPS. I have forgone reaction comps so far, but maybe that isn’t wise. I haven’t tried her with Mona yet either.

  5. also, one thing I found that worked really well with her was in how I changed my controller layout slightly, I went for a more Dark souls control set up, I swapped dodge and basic attack. what this does is I can use the charge shot without needing to go into aim mod, I can just hold basic attack, and I can control the camera better.

  6. For me currently she fit in as Klee support to replace Fischl and I intend to Build her as charge shot DPS as well. Ganyu mechanic click with me so well that I use all Fischl resource for her (feel pretty bad for Fischl)

  7. I don't think you need to double down on 4 piece cryo. you need a minimum of 45% crit rate so long as you have cryo resonance to reach 100% crit.
    5% character crit, 20% from talent, 15% from resonance, and 20% from the artifact set.
    Even that much is overkill. But as you can see, frozen is not necessary

  8. I got my 1st Diluc from 50/50 pity, which I think is great. Next banner hope to be Xiao, then is confirmed pity. Even tho Ganyu is good as said by many content creators, I prefer full view during combat rather than having to stay in aim mode most of the time.

  9. 🌸❤️I cannot believe that I find myself praising a bow user, however, Ganyu is an absolute beast and incredibly fun to play. I thought that I would pull only one copy of her, but after obtaining her and a bit of experimentation with setups, I decided to whale her to C6. Oh my word, what a Titan she is❤️🌸

  10. After playing with Ganyu a lot this day I find that she isn't the best Cryo Aura for Klee, Klee do so much pyro dmg that after 1 or two melts with 200% Ganyu start to melt the Pyro of Klee the only time you get Ganyu Cryo application first is with a lot of enemies group with sucrose or venti but with 3 or less enemies Klee do too much pyro for Ganyu to keep up.

    Also the reason you feel bad about aiming in this game is that the vertical sensibility is HALF the horizontal one, so if you have to aim up or down you have a very poor and sluggish feeling. Still I enjoy Ganyu a lot, I was in the same boat as you but the hype and the videos mae me roll for her and I don't regret it. My only regret is no having a Protorype Crescent for her and using a BP Bow make have way over 100% crit even without Froze comp with Cryo set.

  11. 6:06 That movie brings back memories. But yes, I also suck at bow users. Watching you having trouble with Ganyu felt like watching myself with Amber(only bow user I have leveled). Going close ranged, and dodging is just less hassle. You don't have to charge anything or run away if an enemy gets near you. Your view of the entire screen is also not limited the moment you enter charged mode.

  12. I'm raising up my Ganyu cause she is my only other cryo character besides Kaeya… No Chongyun or Diona. Haha! It's funny how my first ever gacha cryo character happens to be a five star. Although she is tricky to use on mobile, but Venti is a huge help in that regard.

    However, now I'm wondering if I should continue working on Childe's fireworks comp or switch my focus over to building a team with Ganyu. Childe has by far the most investment out of any of my characters, but that cool down of his is difficult to manage consistently. Plus I have Venti, which is so good for Ganyu! Maybe Childe can be sub dps in her comp but… Hm. I still have my C6 Fischl. It's not easy to decide when you have so many options.

  13. Krush Sg you again open the eyes of genshin players. I wached Demone video just before yours and there was an impression in me that she is broken. But after your honest opinion and the problems you mentioned using her charge shots it literally opened my eyes. Once again thanks. Because of you i will same my primogems for future characters. Don't stop making videos about new characters.

  14. 2 peice cryo 2 peice noblesse is my build I like it a lot Idk if it the best but it works. I think you can find a place even if it mostly for her q I believe in you and your determination. Good luck.

  15. I just knew your channel through a friend of mine when i said to him i want to build dps noelle. Your videos are terrific, so can i ask your opinion on using jean with noelle and how should i build jean?

  16. I got the amos bow from standard banner soft pity the other day. I was planning on skipping Ganyu and saving for Xiao (F2P and my next 5* on character banner is guaranteed to be limited character, also I want Ningguang cons and she's probably gonna be in the Xiao banner). After learning that the amos passive increases the already huge frostflake damage, I'M VERY CONFLICTED


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