Furina Quest Made Me ANGRY In Genshin Impact

Paimon Made Me MAD In Genshin Impact
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26 thoughts on “Furina Quest Made Me ANGRY In Genshin Impact”

  1. that archon quest pissed me off as well, seeing paimon and the MC just not give a shit about furina's clear boundaries she has every right to set for herself, especially after 500 fucking years of trauma. If they wanted to spend time with furina there was a thousand ways to do that which would not require her to do something she didn't want to do. Plus the fact that for apparently weeks after the archon quest we didn't even talk to her at all, only to randomly show up at her house and be like "hey we want you to do this. No? Well too bad!"

  2. I was pissed too but to be fair Paimon didn't witness Furina's backstory so she doesn't understand what's wrong. Traveler's behaviour, however, is difficult to explain. He doesn't seem to empathize with Furina much, who had the worst backstory, when he had no trouble acting as a friend with the previous archons

  3. I hope this quest was a 1 off tbh, sure I feel like some people are overreacting, but it was a bit rude, I dont think Furina took it seriously though

    And to be fair, its fun to finally see the traveler being an ass, they've been helping everyone nation to nation and no help with finding our sibling, so If this isnt a one off quest then maybe thats the thing?

    I still like Paimon, but Paimon just doesnt know how to read the damn room

    Lets just pray our rudeness doesnt go to Natlan

  4. All I can is that Paimon's EN VA and the translation team really shot themselves in the foot with this one. I play in Chinese and I never thought Paimon and the traveler were rude or pushy.

  5. It's one of those many moments I wish Traveler could talk because they would have told Paimon about what they saw in Epiclese and/or have instantly been on Furina's side when she declined 😢

  6. Considering the stupidity on this black and white answers the game pulls out on this specific quest, is safe to say that i khow consider Paimon and the traveler other thing outside of the player BECAUSE HELL RESPECT HER BOUNDARIES??? GIRL HAS BEEN PLAYING A LOT ON STAGE ANS SUFFERING FOR THAT, LET HER ALONE

  7. This was my vibe throughout the quest, but (although not necessarily realistic to the average ptsd sufferer) since she decides to perform of her own will at the end, I like to read this as a positive story where the moral is “it’s okay to push your boundaries, you never know how the lesson will effect you.” I was diagnosed with ptsd a year ago now and I’m so thankful to already be in a place where I can push my boundaries but still feel safe if I push too far. I say all this to say I want to view Furina’s quest in a positive light

  8. In her defense, Paimon doesn't know the full extent of Furina's truama. To her, Furina was just pretending to be an Archon and had some problems she needed to sort out cause she felt bad about the prophecy. She didn't see what Neuvillette or Aether saw after all so she was just as clueless as Lyney and the rest of them.

    It's like a movie. We may know everything going on due to different perspectives, but the characters are only capable of being aware of so much that you can't expect them to know what a viewer knows.

  9. I got so pissed off that i abandoned the quest for a moment to breath and calm down lol
    This f**king floating piece of sh1t doesn't even know the meaning of RESPECTING SOMEONE'S BOUNDARIES, NO IS NO, FURINA GAVE HER ANSWER JUST RESPECT HER F**KING DECISION

  10. For real!! Shenhe interlude is the moment I started hating paimon for being unable to read the room and ascertain what's really important
    Shenhe finally opens up to someone about her past serious trauma
    – HEy traVellEr we need to get Ning's advice on how to make money let's hurry up

  11. I genuinely was surprised at both Paimon and Traveller when they talked to Furina on her story quest. Like can u not read the room?? She’s been acting for 500 flippin yrs! Hellooo???? It’s like as if everything she went through was just “ah but she was acting so she’s fine”…….Paimon I loved u but now I wanna fking kick u bk to celestia!


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