Fully reworking my realm time lapse. (Genshin Impact Housing System)

I am from Asia server
UID: 802257011
feel free to add me. maybe visit my teapot sometimes? 😀

BGM: https://youtu.be/mAHW2ioE1g4


21 thoughts on “Fully reworking my realm time lapse. (Genshin Impact Housing System)”

  1. To any new viewers, unfortunately my friendlist is full 45/45 and I'm no longer able to accept your friend request. I'm sorry that you won't be able to visit my teapot directly. I will still make videos soon. thank you for the support lately. ♥️

  2. Floating abode sounded amazing on paper, especially because I loved the realm since the adepti quests, but then I noticed the nonexistent day cycle and now that I see this, it’s actually short af…so yeah, if they don’t add the night version, I’m def switching to emerald peak.

  3. And here am I with my teapot, outside it's a fucking mess of lion statues and other random things. Indoors, I have some organization (not much) on the first floor, and on the second floor there's a full squad of Pine Screens.

  4. hope yall know this before picking floating abode, because in that map we cant change the time outside like other maps can and i'm absolutely bummed after knowing that but it's still beautiful anyway.


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