Hey everyone,
The full Lantern Rite Festival has dropped so I’ve recorded them all in one go to put into one video.
I hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for watching!
Finley 🙂
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/extrafin/
Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/finleycharlotte
Discord – https://discord.com/invite/DyhbJWeerC
love your video
im first
oh then please take good rest and also i hope you well again
hello finley!!im amazingly happy that you did these little quests(most of them at least)the main quest is really good but i did almost die from the dialogue there wasnt much but im really impatient haha..i really love these videos..please continue with this amazing work i will always remember you even if you possibly leave you tube(btw i dont know if you play roblox but if you dont you should try it out there are different games in roblox some exaples that you should prob play are royal high,adopt me,tower of hell and tower of misery..again if your not wanting to actually play roblox then no force)
After I got her outfit, I decided to finally build her. Lady Ningguang slays in that outfit
Happy lantern rite
This lantern rite was better than the last one
That cutscene was so beautiful. It really brought out each characters personality. My favourite was seeing zhongli and hu tao together, it was so cute!
All the Liyue characters are scattered throughout Liyue, so do visit them!! Yunjin, Baizhu, Qiqi, Chongyun and Xingqiu are at Qingce Village, Xiangling is at Wanmin Restaurant, Zhongli is at the Third-Round knockout, Hutao is at Wangsheng Funeral Parlour, Yanfei is at Yujing Terrace, Xiao is close to the Jade Chamber but at the ground, Ganyu is at Mt. Aoceng, Beidou and Xinyan are at the bridge just near the Lantern Rite displays and u met Shenhe.
The scenes involving Guoba in it have made it even cuter than I expected.
Shoutout to you for being able to balance an epic academic pursuit, with
undeniably the best channel I've watched on YT – all the other channels
look pale in comparison. You have superfluity of gifts and this channel
is a gem that virtually defies description. I hate the word
"inspiration" because it's become so overdone and a tad bit cheesy, but I
have to say it – Finley Charlotte is incredibly inspiring. Thanks so
much for being generous, warm and open. May success and happiness come
shining your in ways you deserve.
Hu Tao pranking Zhongli is my new favorite thing ever
Did anyone else love Shenhe hanging with the other Adepti in the cut scene? She found her family and I’m like 🙌🏼
the entire update is really really nice! its heartwarming to your soul and the cutscene is really awesome! glad to see your reaction to be for this video!
1:23:18 START
1:24:11 Giggly Lumine (cute)
1:24:16 "ugh, So Pretty"
1:24:43 (shock fin)
1:25:13 Beautiful Lady Ningguang & Beiguang moment
1:25:50 wholesome picture, Guoba so cute with his swinging feet.
1:25:58 Smiling Zhongli ugh My Heart, Please. 💘
1:26:37 Smiling Xio gege, not grumpy anymore 💘
1:27:03 I love this Qiqi turn
1:27:09 💗💖
1:27:19 Wholesome (😭💕)
Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Lantern Rite🎇🎆🥳
I love the Xiao fangirling lol
I just finished build my new liyue team with Hutao, GanYu, Yanfei & Shenhe, before was Qiqi & XinYan when yanfei & shenhe havent released yet
Hi I post Genshin memes if you are interested,you can look my channel !