From 1 STAR to 5 STAR !! YELAN [ Genshin Impact ]
In this video, I’m going to be comparing and contrasting the top four weapons for F2P ayaka, the harbinger of dawn , 5 star weapon and the Light of Foliar Incision ,lion’s roar.
I talk about genshin theorycrafting and powerful dmg showcases
showcasing my characters ( ayaka ) against raiden shogun boss
So whether you’re a beginner looking to level faster, or an experienced player who’s looking for a new challenge, I hope you’ll find this video useful!____________________
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only 550 subscribers left to reach 40k, I'll be releasing a fully flexible Yelan guide. Don't forget to subscribe to ensure you don’t miss out. Your support is appreciated! ❤️❤️
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Is upcoming shark girl going to be better than yelan ?
somethik wrong but what is it
Which is better for off field Yelan? Stringless or Favonius?
Bro is secretly a yelan simp and no one talked about 💀💀💀
hunters bow and Favonius bow has the same damage btw
1 and 2 star bows are lvl 1 so dmg will be low actually😐
Is bro actually a yelan simp??? 💀
Well, i am also a yelan simp
Can you showcase her with sigewinnes bow if you have it please
My first 5 star best character totally worth it makes everything better and more importantly fun to use
Dyapo on his Yelan arc😂 don't worry i will pull her
I want yelan now
After this video I rlly thought about maybe to pull Yelan bc I have her sign but I dont really know who to pull yelan or nilou😅
Yea just look at bro's 1-2 star dmg🤓
im pulling my 1st yelan in her next rerun in a week, please pray for me to win my 50/50 on her !! thank you and i love your content !! made me very knowledgeable on yelan and her flexibility!! <33
Prefarmed for ascending her already and I just have to farm the talent books and some more artifacts now, hopefully I get her without losing the 50/50 (48 pity, 5k primogems saved)
New sub ❤ skipping yelan though because i really want kazuha
Share your artifact pls i'm getting her the next banner
Yelan with the Stringless bow is really good compared to other ER bow
Sadly had to skip for the archons rerun.
Yelan slays even with a 1 star bow<33
this comparison is quite unfair, though.
HP% bonus from recurve bow (3-star) won’t do that much as yelan already has a high HP to begin with (her HP goes from 40117 to 46987 with the weapon, which only gives her 16.9% total HP increase)
on the other hand, the sacrifical bow (4-star) doesn’t give her anything beneficial (except for double skill usage thanks to its passive), as she only benefits from HP, DMG bonus, and crit rate/crit dmg (while the weapon only gives ER and base ATK)
to make it more fair:
the 3-star can be replaced with raven bow, which gives 96 EM (increasing vape damage) and 12-24% dmg bonus to opponent with pyro/hydro status.
meanwhile, the 4-star can be replaced with stringless, which has 165 EM and 24-48% dmg bonus to both elemental skill & burst.
Should i pull for navia or yelan??
I don't have any of them..
Please help me with this I'm really confused
I like both of them
Which 4* bow is better for yelan: fav or sac or fish bow or stringless??