From 1 STAR to 5 STAR !! YELAN [ Genshin Impact ]

From 1 STAR to 5 STAR !! YELAN [ Genshin Impact ]
In this video, I’m going to be comparing and contrasting the top four weapons for F2P ayaka, the harbinger of dawn , 5 star weapon and the Light of Foliar Incision ,lion’s roar.
I talk about genshin theorycrafting and powerful dmg showcases
showcasing my characters ( ayaka ) against raiden shogun boss
So whether you’re a beginner looking to level faster, or an experienced player who’s looking for a new challenge, I hope you’ll find this video useful!____________________

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tartaglia battle theme trap remix mitsaki music

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27 thoughts on “From 1 STAR to 5 STAR !! YELAN [ Genshin Impact ]”

  1. only 550 subscribers left to reach 40k, I'll be releasing a fully flexible Yelan guide. Don't forget to subscribe to ensure you don’t miss out. Your support is appreciated! ❤️❤️

  2. im pulling my 1st yelan in her next rerun in a week, please pray for me to win my 50/50 on her !! thank you and i love your content !! made me very knowledgeable on yelan and her flexibility!! <33

  3. Prefarmed for ascending her already and I just have to farm the talent books and some more artifacts now, hopefully I get her without losing the 50/50 (48 pity, 5k primogems saved)

  4. this comparison is quite unfair, though.

    HP% bonus from recurve bow (3-star) won’t do that much as yelan already has a high HP to begin with (her HP goes from 40117 to 46987 with the weapon, which only gives her 16.9% total HP increase)
    on the other hand, the sacrifical bow (4-star) doesn’t give her anything beneficial (except for double skill usage thanks to its passive), as she only benefits from HP, DMG bonus, and crit rate/crit dmg (while the weapon only gives ER and base ATK)

    to make it more fair:
    the 3-star can be replaced with raven bow, which gives 96 EM (increasing vape damage) and 12-24% dmg bonus to opponent with pyro/hydro status.
    meanwhile, the 4-star can be replaced with stringless, which has 165 EM and 24-48% dmg bonus to both elemental skill & burst.


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