Genshin Impact Venti Banner News & Huge Venti Giveaway! #venti
Hope you enjoy this video for Venti in Genshin Impact for more Venti Guides tips on a bunch of 5 stars in genshin impact be sure to check out the channel for insane venti gameplay & genshin impact!
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Disclaimer for Giveaways : 1 Winner is Chosen per month NOT per video.
You DONT have to Like & Comment to enter Giveaway. It does not give you extra entries. Simply do it to SUPPORT the video!
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I want venti 🙁
This guy has so many giveaways I’m amazed 🥺
Yo can u get me a venti?
Pick me bruv I need venti
U literally do so many giveaways thats so generous omggg-
Hi, i would like a venti
Plz win
Thank you so much for this giveaway! Good luck to everyone
Woah, this guy is really nice. I know there is a very rare chance anyone here will get the Venti (except for those lucky few people), but we gotta show respect for the effort this guy is putting.
Thanks for the giveaway and good luck to everyone. I really hope that I can get Venti before the banner ends.
Good luck to all of you for the giveaway
Welp.. I am half of a f2p and half not (i could afford only BP).. i really want Venti and ive been saving primogems since the event for Xiao but the bad omen was following me! I finally got 80 wishes and i spend them all and the 50/50 qiqi curse got me and now i am unable to get Venti bcz there is no way i collect another 80 wishes for him in 15 days 🙁 I wish eveyone good luck into wishing for him and eveyone that participates in this giveaway.. I hope i win a giveaway or something cz its been tough lately 🙁
Nice !
T-T Venti…please…come…home.Mihoyo please just let me have a five star just one. Your so nice to giveaway so many amazing stuff to people and EVERY MONTH?!May the Archons support you to continue your journey to help people.
Venti best boi.
This guy is literally a god, the amount of kindness it takes to give away thus much to show appreciation to his supporters is so amazing
im sub and like i love yor wids and im on yor disscord and thwith
Just discovered his channel and loving his explanations
Oooohhh 5k already
good luck guys 🙂
Good luck y’all
I got keqing instead of venti lol I’m in pain lol f2p 😀
I didn´t know ventís ult also worked on the dogs what lmao
Mh venti
Venti for everyone 😀
Happy to get from GENGEN.BEST
Tysm I want Venti so bad! I love both his abilities and his character, good luck to anyone pulling him!
Hi, I want Venti but i really need another DPS so I'm planing to wish for Tartaglia and I would like Primos so that I can do that ^-^ I like your content and thank you for this vid
i sub to ur twitch please im very unlucky all i want is my comfort character well gl everyone
im broke so why not