Fontaine's Second Weekly Boss (Genshin Theory and Speculation)

One of the most anticipated aspects of Genshin Impact is the occasional introduction of new Weekly Bosses. With the arrival of a Second Weekly Boss for Fontaine quickly approaching, I thought it would be a fun idea to talk about my speculations on what this next boss could be.


0:00 – Fontaine’s Second Weekly Boss
0:42 – The Previous Knave
2:39 – God-King Remus
5:09 – Celestial Opponents
7:32 – Other Ideas
10:19 – Ending Notes

Sources and Further Reading
Fontaine –
Arlecchino –
Previous Knave –
Eleven Fatui Harbingers –
Dottore –
Remus –
Remuria –
Egeria –
Scylla –
Song of Stillness –
Dainsleif –
Celestia –
Four Shades –
Wings of Merciful, Wrathful Waters –,_Wrathful_Waters
Nabu Malikata –
Nilou –
Skirk –
Tartaglia –
Sandrone –
Questioning Melusine and Answering Machine –

Thank you so much for watching!


38 thoughts on “Fontaine's Second Weekly Boss (Genshin Theory and Speculation)”

  1. Given how Petrichor is 100% the 4.6 area from what we can tell so far I think we can definitely expect someone or something related to Remuria to be the new boss. The Fallen Castle has to somehow be related, so I wouldnt be surprised if one of Remus' Ichor Golems survived down there at the bottom of the lake

  2. I was recently doing some World Quests I skipped in Inazuma (I know, I'm late lol), and the Lyudochka questline basically shows that some soldiers of the previous Knave split off from the House of the Hearth after the title changed hands, which didn't make sense at the time, but seems interesting now!

    I'm kinda hoping we'll get either something related to the previous Knave and/or Sandrone as the next boss,with the current Arlecchino joining us to fight them. We know that the Harbingers have their own agendas and in some cases barely tolerate each other, so seeing some actual infighting between them could be interesting! And no, Childe doesn't count, he wants to fight everyone lol.

  3. Honestly I think the current knave is the most likely and most obvious and straightforward option. She will most likely release in 4.x and we still don't know much about her. She still has the gnosis and did get permission from the Tsaritsa to use it to combat the prophecy or whatever as long as she gets it back safely. Now that the prophecy is solved I feel like she might still use it for something else, something that we don't know about. Perhaps she is related to Remuria

  4. Arlecchino’s described as crazy, surely we’d have to fight her soon especially because shes next in line of the harbinger background card thing of fatui characters’ drip marketing

  5. I speculate that Furina would want to still protect Fontaine and Arlecchino would be there to test Furina's resolve and new powers with the vision. Or even Sandrone finally making an appearance.

  6. I dont think we'll fight Arleccino, her business with Fontaine is over, and she said she would return to Snezhnaya with the Gnosis. Granted, she will be playable sometime before Natlan, so she will return to Fontaine at some point, but this will happen probably in 4.7 or 4.8 aka AFTER the second weekly.

    Also, what reason could she possibly have to confront us? We parted ways on friendly terms. "Lets spar for a bit" is too weak a reason to build a whole weekly boss around, "Fight to stop her from using the Gnosis for evil" makes no sense, since her whole reason to use the Gnosis was to stop the prophecy, and thats already dealt with, also she has already given the Gnosis to the Tsaritza at this point.

    Since all second weekly bosses so far are 1- Related to the archon and 2- Involes the abyss in some way, I'm willing to bet we'll fight some old deity of Fontaine that is currently corrupted by the Abyss, like Remus or Scyla.

  7. I feel like the remaining unreleased part of Fontaine (Mont Esus) could have a big part in the introduction of this new weekly boss. Given how huge the mountain is, it's unlikely that it's going to be the Knave/Arle so I think it does have to be some kind of divine/ancient power type of boss.

  8. whether it’s the previous one or Arlecchino, i’m placing my bets on the next weekly boss being the Knave! it would keep with the pattern hoyo has established of one Fatui harbinger boss in each region (excluding Mondstadt) plus i would expect Arlecchino to be playable before the end of the 4.x patches so it would make since for her to be involved in the quest that would unlock the Knave boss battle

    and between the two Knaves, i’m personally hoping it’s Arlecchino that ends up being the weekly boss bc we’ve been given so many hints/warnings that she’s a crazy “wolf in sheep’s clothing” that will put up a nice and cordial front to get what she wants so i think it would be an excellent “twist” if she turns against the Traveler after acting very professional and treating us as an ally up until now 🙌✨

  9. If I'm not mistaken, the agent in Sumeru who kidnaps children for Dottore says he's unable to return to the House of the Hearth as they'd likely kill him for going too far.

    That makes it interesting, as he was pretty much brainwashed with his belief, and likely grew up with the former Knave. And Arlecchino didn't accept the children being kidnapped to suffer at the hands of Dottore.

    Also, the Wind glider you get for playing on Playstation, has some juicy lore about the Traveler's origins.

  10. i just want Neuvillette to get the second story quest. Reason being that Furina’s story is done. She is free and she got her Vision. There’s not much there to work with. Neuvillette is improtant to lore. We don’t know much of his past and I think it would be a good time for the devs to explore his connection to Syclla who was a Hydro Sovereign.

  11. It would be so amazing if Furina and Neuvillette's story quests came together to form a part 1 and part 2 story

    like, Furina must know things beyond the prophecy, right? Focalors would not leave her in the dark when it comes to her archon duties and information about Fontaine

  12. i hope it's arlecchino related (whether about the previous knave or otherwise), but i also think the remuria idea is a possible.

    personally, i dont think they'll add any new harbingers in the 4.x series, so anything relating to Sandrone and Il Dottore feels very unlikely. and i feel like a boss fight directly after meeting a new harbinger would be too rushed, based on the pacing of the others.

  13. I saw on the Genshin Wiki page for King Remus, under his story section it says quote,

    “Remus first appeared in the Primordial Sea, where he met the first sovereign, who is implied to be the Dragon Sovereign of Water or the Primordial One.”

    This does not make sense to me. How is the Hydro Dragon Sovereign also Phanes the Primordial One? This would mean that Neuvillette is a reincarnation of the Primordial One ?

    Any clarification would be appreciated.

  14. It'll be interesting to see what happens, usually the Archon gets not only a second quest but also a new weekly boss however now we'll have to see if things change with the presence of Neuvillette.

    For now I'm placing my bets on Furina getting the weekly boss but if we look at Mondstadt it's possible that there might be three weekly bosses there, since we haven't gotten Venti's second quest yet. So maybe Fontaine will also end up with three instead of the usual two.

    Anyway if its Furina it'll be interesting to see her challenge someone who was or is considered to be a god, she spent 500 years playing a role just to save everyone so I don't doubt that despite being afraid she'll gladly throw hands with a god to keep Fontaine safe.

  15. Excluding Mondstadt, all second Weekly Bosses follow the same pattern:

    – They are released in the second part of the Archon Story Quest

    – They always have some connection with the Archon's past (Azhdaha, Shogun Puppet, Apep)

    – They always involve some lore bomb

    Using these patterns as a reference we can predict that Fontaine's second Weekly Boss will be some creature or entity from Focalors or Egeria's past that will bring some lore bomb related to the Cataclysm or Celestia.


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