Fontaine Archon Quest Act 1 Is INSANE In Genshin Impact

The Fontaine Archon Quest Act 1 is absolutely insane in Genshin Impact…its the best one yet! Enjoy my playthrough and reaction 🙂


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21 thoughts on “Fontaine Archon Quest Act 1 Is INSANE In Genshin Impact”

  1. Dude for real, Genshin is getting better and better with these archon quests and this one might be the best one yet…like im amazed. Let me know what you thought and I hope you enjoyed the video!

  2. This Archon Quest was awesome but it pains me to see Traveller putting their foot down a bit more and not pretending to Trust just anyone and do anything for just anyone, I have a feeling they are getting a bit tired of chasing after their sibling Nation through Nation helping most days with barely any information on their sibling, the best help we have got was from Nahida I think. But thats just my view on things 🙂

  3. Just once in this game's story I'd like to see the traveler meet the new nation's archon right at the beginning of the chapter and their dialogue to go like:

    Traveler: Hi. Do you know of my sibling?

    Archon: No.

    Traveler: Ok. Glad we got that out of the way.

    Archon: Will you still help my nation anyway?

    Traveler: Sure. Since I'm a sane person, I'll go through an entire story chapter, two of your character side stories and at least two new weekly bosses because an entire nation needs my help, not just to ask you a question that you archons never know how to answer.

  4. I think Arlecchino might actually care about Fontaine and the prophecy (MAYBE even about the House of Hearth's orphans like the twins), but it's hard to shake off the feeling that she has ulterior motives.

    Scaramouche said that she's a wolf in sheep's clothing, and that anyone who sees past her act goes "poof". So even if everything Lynney said about her is true, she may not have rescued and adopted them purely out of the kindness of her heart, and I'd be surprised if saving Fontaine from the prophecy really is the ONLY thing she's after in this chapter.

  5. 23:06 thanks for putting it all together for me, I kept wondering what they did with that guy and what they were leading up to, I never realized Genshin was going to actually utilize "show don't tell." Man, they really are upping their game in every department right now.

  6. I've only been playing for 3 months ( since 3.8) I have 100% (including hidden) quest in both mondstat, and liyue. Yet I didn't meet charlotte until fontaine. So what quest am I missing to " meet her for the first time" ?

    Also, if Doro voiced one of the characters, wouldn't he already know everything about 4.0 and even beyond? Why he look so surprised by the magic show and stuff?


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