Fixing the most DISASTROUS account i've ever seen… | Genshin Impact

This account was very cursed… hope u enjoyed the review. LET ME KNOW what you think about this new editing style vs my other account reviews.
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edited by Zeitraffer:

hope u enjoy


46 thoughts on “Fixing the most DISASTROUS account i've ever seen… | Genshin Impact”

  1. a bit of a more chaotic account review… but fitting for a disastrous account (…and some of the scuffed characters weren't even featured in the video lmao)

    LET ME KNOW what you think about this editing style compared to some of my previous reviews. Trying some new things & want your feedback!

    more standard guides coming soon as well — kuki next so stay tuned 👀

  2. this editing style is amazing i prefer it to the normal the normal and seriosu editing and tone works for guides but for account revivws i think it should be funny

  3. Eh i don't agree. It's not like this guy made some horrible choices. He's f2p and tried his best. Watching a whale fuckin everything up would've been a better candidate to call "disastrous".

  4. As someone who has followed you since March (not too long but that’s when I started this game) I think you are one of the best Genshin CC’s. I would love more than anything for you to review my account. I haven’t done floors 10-12 of Abyss (not sure if I’m strong enough or not), but really want to be able to complete them. So far up to 9 I have gotten all stars first go around and I would hate to break that streak. If I’m having a bad day (having quite a bit of them lately with receiving bad medical news) I will watch your streams/past streams on Twitch. You ALWAYS make me laugh which is tough to do sometimes. Anyway… I would LOVE more than anything for you to review my account but with all the medical debt lately I can’t afford you. Lol. Maybe one of these days


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