Filmmaker Reacts: Genshin Impact – Scaramouche Boss Theme LIVE

Polumnia Omnia Live Scaramouche music Reaction from Genshin Impact! Favorite Genshin Impact waifu??! Subscribe for more and follow my twitch to discuss live, I’m a filmmaker and gamer Also check out my main channel, we just hit 200K Subs! Who’s your favorite Genshin character?

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23 thoughts on “Filmmaker Reacts: Genshin Impact – Scaramouche Boss Theme LIVE”

  1. If you like the music in genshin, you're missing out if you only react to cutscenes and character demos. They have an incredible soundtrack in the game and this theme is also the battle music when you are facing a specific boss. (Tho the singer is different in the game version)

    Also, Marco did cover this theme on his channel. He also got to voice a major NPC in a limited time event, as well as a few other NPCs. Can't wait for him singing for a hoyoverse track, officially.

  2. Marco did a cover for this part of the fight ost, it's really good.

    No, the singer in the original song is apparently Yu-Peng Chen. The singer here was brought for this performance only.

    Really nice analysis.

  3. the last phrase of the song "Nunquam genitus desiderem" means from latin "I wish I had never been born". The video makes a great reference to Bohemian Rhapsody. And the original version of this song is kinda different cause Yu-Peng Chen (who is the composer of almost every song from Genshin Impact) sing it and it's more theatrical.

  4. To answer your question about either that guy sang in the original song, he didn't.
    The one who sang in the original version was no other than the composer himself, Yu-peng Chen. Yes, we by now know that this guy hoard all of the talents lol.

  5. Scaramouche Boss Fight is still the most intense, high stakes, & longest built-up story of any Boss Fight in Genshin….similar to Signora's Boss Fight.
    Hope that Dottore & Sandrone Boss Fights would be as awesome as this when we get to Fontaine.


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