Fastest way to unlock Underwater Teleport Waypoint Genshin Impact

Fastest way to unlock Underwater Teleport Waypoint Genshin Impact. How unlock Inazuma Underwater Teleport Waypoint in Genshin Impact quest. You can unlock Genshin Impact Underesea Teleport following this video guide. Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed by miHoYo. Inazuma 2.0


9 thoughts on “Fastest way to unlock Underwater Teleport Waypoint Genshin Impact”

  1. To remove the barrier, near the boss, you first need to cleanse the shrine (at Araumi, during the destroy the barrier world quest) and do the puzzles underground.

    The water level should go down near the araumi shrine. There are two puzzles total (the purple boxes that you hit and it rotates)… Doing the first one opens a hole nearby which leads to the second one which lowers the water level.

    A friend of mine did the same and it worked

  2. Heres how to solve the puzzle yall!

    Step 1:


    o o


    X o

    hit X 2 times

    Step 2:


    o X


    o o

    hit X 2 times

    to reset it you can just rejoin the game


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