F2P Genshin Impact is so STRESSFUL OMG

WELCOME TO EPISODE 10 OF THE F2P ADVENTURE. Watch the full series here: …


42 thoughts on “F2P Genshin Impact is so STRESSFUL OMG”

  1. I mean the azdaha fight WILL be hard if you use teams like that. I mean you got Kazuha, Xingqui, Bennet and Xiangling. That is a god team and will make this adventure a lot easier.

  2. I couldn’t continue playing being F2P the constant backhand “fuck you” from miyoho after 6 months I had to stop. I might come back in a year or so when maybe a new part of the map is out and I can blaze through inazuma and whatever comes next quests to maybe get a free 10 pull. Imma be playing vicariously through my favourite content creators

  3. Whats the most embarrassing thing you have done with your mora early on, ill start. I bought out the resturants in liyue and mondstat every day.


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