F2P Friendly 9-Star Guide for Spiral Abyss Floor 11-3 | Genshin Impact

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New Spiral Abyss updated with Inazuma in Genshin Impact. Featuring enemies like Cryo Hypostasis & Pyro Hypostasis. Here’s an easy 9-star guide for Floor 11-3. Very F2P friendly as well.

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πŸ“Œ Timestamps πŸ“Œ

00:00 | Intro
01:35 | Cryo Hypostasis
03:38 | Pyro Hypostasis
06:14 | Character Builds
09:35 | Outro

#GenshinImpact #miHoYo #Inazuma


42 thoughts on “F2P Friendly 9-Star Guide for Spiral Abyss Floor 11-3 | Genshin Impact”

  1. Hi Envi, great content as usual.

    3:09 you can begin to reduce its shield by using amber CA (or amber's ult if you have one) or Guoba directly to shielded cryo hypostasis.

    3:15 you can also clear the remaining shield on it by using amber CA or Guoba.

    I think those will made your attempt faster, maybe a few more seconds

  2. tip for any Mona havers out there: if you enter her dash and pop out by the tinders, it will one-shot them. so basically run around in a circle popping out at each tinder. with her dash fixed now, it's very quick and easy!

  3. IDK why but for some reason I was able to clear those cubes faster then the rest of floor 11…. Ice cube's health dropped down to half just from Diluc's Q… And the pyro cube died in just 2 of Ayaka's EπŸ˜‚

  4. This is lovely, but I'm eagerly awaiting a Floor 12 9-Star Guide. I'd also like to know how many times you generally have to retry before you actually get a perfect clear and post a video, to know if it's even worth my time as a player less skilled than yourself.

    When the only reward difference between my consistent 33-Star clears and a 36-Star clear is 50 Primogems, I just am not feeling the motivation to struggle and beat my head against a wall. The same enemies in the overworld die in mere seconds, but Floor 12 inflates their HP like the developers were furry fetish artists.

  5. Please do entire 2.0 abyss lol im struggling with 10,11 and 12 πŸ˜‚
    For the easier ones you could just quickly go over them and be more in-depth with 11 and 12

  6. Pryo hypostasis is the biggest bullshit i've seen in this game so far, everytime they make a cube they keep shitting up
    why does this cube waits 3 seconds then puts her shield back even though WE FUCKING TOOK ITS PYRO SHIELD OFF, 3 second is bullshit you cant even melee

  7. Don't know why I was so stupid and not thinking about putting a full Pyro team for the Cryo Hypostasis together… I melted it thanks to you! Klee, Xiangling, Xinyan and Bennett did it in less than 45 seconds so I had enough time to beat the Pyro Hypostasis! Would've even 3* the previous chambers with that…
    So thank you!

  8. I found that if I walk up to the cryo hypostasis and stand infront of it in a distance that Zhongli's pillar wants to spawn inside of it when holding E, it'll move back to the wall and settle in an attackable position without runnning around

  9. I Hu Tao'd cryo cube, 2nd chamber I childe + ayaka + daddy shield since I'm not familiar with attack pattern.. i hope hydro cube is not this annoying but i'm sure mihoyo will give the damn thing bubbles..

  10. There's something about the cryo hypostasis that can cut you more time. When it throws the spiky balls out, you only need to throw back two of them and melt the rest with pyro. This saves you a ton of time not going for the third one


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