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For those who wanted to know what happened near halfway through stream when serious abaraxos came here's the time stamp
hi I'm extremely late for this but about the announcement halfway in the stream, I'm really sorry for you and the mods. I hope they're okay and that the rude people were held accountable!! otherwise I'm ready to see the stream 🎉
Imagine 10 strict Abras come out of his closet. "I will eliminate the people harassing the MODS!!!"
If there are still a-holes out there harrasing your mods, you can hire an equally or greater a-hole mod like me. Hey fighting fire with fire, so they say lol imma put them in their place. Kidding haha! We love you and your mods Abra. I hope this stops now that you've brought it up.
Hey Abra, please watch the character demo and the character teaser trailer. it won't give you any spoilers. Please. For example, Xiao. You won't be seeing Xiao again at this point, but you missed the back story from the character trailer and how sad the lantern rite festival scene was for Xiao. You've met zhongli already, but you miss how cool zhongli trailers are. You've met Albedo but you miss how amazing the trailer is. Please Abra. Please.
You should try spiral abyss! You can do it on livestreams, just like other genshin youtubers/livestreamers, it has a lot of prizes like primogems and artifacts! For normal genshin video how about only for archon quest/story quest? Next video archon quest dainsleif? Oh yeah abra if you finished all archon quest firsy try kaeya quest/dragonspine quest (for rosaria and childe). One more, please level up Childe 😅
My power was gone during the stream. Sad.
Not to flex or anything, but it was 40 degrees of Celsius here last week.
I love your videos so very much. 🙂 To me 1.6 is just a filler I do not like most of the events….just a waste of time. I like the lore and everything related to the story of the game. I start to be tired of Genshin Impact I continue to play because it is a really beautiful game to look at. 🙂
For the final challenge of the battlefront event, I ran Keqing and Mona as a core, with Albedo and Diona for support. Albedo's flowers deal off field dmg. Diona provides shields and heals in case things get messy. Mona provides off field hydro, so Keqing can proc a lot of electro charged because her E turns her regular attacks into electro attacks. That aside, I hope everything goes well for you and the moderators. Due to timezone differences, I can't really join the streams when they're live, but I usually try to check in on them once they're uploaded.
Hi Abra, absolutely love your content, and I say this with no ill intent, but your damage is relatively low for your AR. I love that you're focusing on all your characters, but this game will quickly drain you of your resources if you focus on all of them equally. I suggest getting your leading team (which looks to be Rosaria, Diona, Bennett and Yanfei) to at least Level 80 with Level 70/80 weapons on your main DPS (Rosaria and Yanfei) and about Level 60/70 for support weapons (Bennett and Diona). Artefact farming is essential, and at your AR, you're guaranteed a 5-star artefact if you do the most challenging domain level, but I think your damage is still a little low for that. Focus on upgrading talent and weapons first; they'll contribute to a massive chunk of damage boost. Even at earlier levels up to 4-3, the spiral abyss can give significant rewards you can use to upgrade your characters.
A good rule of thumb to follow is to pour resources into your main damage dealers. Then, upgrade talents according to which skill does the most damage (i.e. for Yanfei, you could start with normal attack talents followed by her Q skill). Supports usually have most of their utility in their burst (i.e. Bennett Q, so focus on that instead of their normal attack, which you would rarely use).
For most damage dealers, an ATK% sands, an elemental or physical damage goblet that matches the elemental/physical damage they're outputting (Pyro for Yanfei, Cryo for Rosaria), and a crit rate or damage circlet is a good combination. Crit rate and crit damage should be balanced at a 1:2 ratio ideally, but personally, I feel like 40%/200% is better than 70%/130%. However, this is all up to how well your stats roll on your artefacts. Sub stats matter more than set bonuses, so it's best not to force sets to work if you have lousy sub stats on them. Supports like Bennett and Diona benefit greatly from Energy Recharge (ER), so you can try looking for an ER% sands if you're lacking ER. 160-200% is a good number to achieve to use your skills off cooldown. Bennett is unique because his Q benefits from his base attack (your weapon attack stat + character base stat). Artefact boosts do not count towards his buff, so a high base attack weapon like the Prototype Rancour or the 5-star Skyward Blade is best for him.
It is a very lengthy comment, but I tried to be as thorough as possible with my explanation because I really want to see you enjoy your gameplay and do damage as well! Most importantly, though, keep doing you and being awesome. Can't wait to see more of your streams/videos. ❤️
Why most 5-star characters are better than 4-star ones?!.. bcs 5-stars have higher base attack and their talents multiplyer is higher mostly, also some 5-stars get Crit rate or Crit built in them.
The sum of all the additive multipliers(falt atk, weapon atk, character atk, attack gained from Bennett's Q) is base atk, while atk is base atk with the multiplicative multipliers(various atk%), I believe.
How output attack is calculated: Atk * mult for that atk from talents * (1+dmg specific bonus) * (1+atk specific bonus) * (1+crit dmg if crit)
There's the story quest "Will be reunited" something like that.
This concerns the MC really really much. Hope you do the quest sometime as you need to do the Dainsleif quest 1st.
Clarification "if needed" for Bennett Burst dmg buff
Only his character and weapon level is used for the buff. ( These 2 constitute the base attack total)
You get 15 dust/roll so the 10 roll you can buy (limited and standard) gives sou back 150
so in reality they cost 600 not 750 each month.
750 is 50 rolls Which is 8000 primogems.
That's roughly 134 days from just dailies. Which sound s lot, but 50 rolls a month is actually very doable. Since have events constantly and you get primos from achievements and quests too and orbs from BP.
However later on, if you stay with the game, you might want to consider getting "Blessing of the welkin moon" once a month.
It's 5$ or so and gives you 300 gems which you can save for skins and 90 primos a day, which means you can do the required rolls for monthly orb in 50 days just from dailies.
If you are short on primos, I think you are strong enough to challenge the first 4-5 floors of the Abyss. it's 300 primos/floor, so i highly recommend you trying it.
And if you can get to floor 9-12 later, it's a bi-weekly reset for 600.
hey abra, before ascending above 45 the genshin community always suggest to farm things such as artifacts cause before they could do it they were too weak to fight the mobs so i reccomend to level it up too ^^ but since there's the new feature it'll be much easier to handle
So to help on elemtal reaction.
All elements do break shield unless it is the same element. BUT if that element is the opposite of the shiel like cryo shield vs pyro it would break the shiel 2 times faster. And the other element who aren't that good vs the shield would do around 0.5 to 1.5 times shield breaking depending on which element compared to the pyro here. Then there's neutral elements like geo and anemo who break shield at normal rate I think 1x time whatever the element.
Might be wrong on exact figure but that's close I think.
For hilichurlian language, google it on reddit. There is a wonderful translation of old CN post with all the words we had before this quest, and then a newer post with youtube video links based on Mimi tomo event, where some words are added and some are corrected. It's quite easy to understand hilichurls after those two posts.
With artifact domains, I REALLY recommend going for the highest level ones, it's super vital for 5* artifacts.
They can indeed be tough when you haven't been min/maxing, though, if you don't like co-op in stream or hoping for the best with strangers, I bet your discord has tons of people that can help you with the highest level ones off stream, then I'd mostly keep other activities for on-stream. Once you accumulate these artifacts, you're gonna forget you ever needed help from others if you get nice atk/crit/dmg% on a carry with 6+ talents.
It's tough though, you've been upgrading a lot of characters, but if you don't wanna run into a wall, it's a good idea to pick some favorites to invest into as much as you can. Your source of sustained dps is usually the biggest source of dps in the team, characters like Yan Fei heavily lean towards this role, these can be good first investments, but Yan Fei is kinda tricky since both her artifact and talent domain have pyro enemies, that's what I ran into on my alt account, so I'm investing in a Xinqui and Rosaria as supports, but also as alternative primary dmg sources.
I recommend you really take a look at what you wanna rely on in tough situations (You can still use underpowered chars in most content), look at what obstacles are in your way, and plan out a rough order so no one step in the process is too hard. Potions and food can go a very long way btw! Cold Cut Platter is giving my Rosaria a lot more physical dps when I need her as a flex carry, making up for her overal lower power.
If you actually wanna do a tazer Barbara, it's surprisingly good. The catch is that Beidou and Fischl are the main sources of dmg and who you should mostly invest in, this is nice cause that makes the comp basically free if you were already doing this for Childe anyway! With Childe, Bennett is probably your best healer, but if you get a Jean, that should also be great with Venerer artifacts. Ohh, and I think Xinqiu should also work if his heals/dmg reduction and Beidou's shield are enough for you, well invested Diona and Zhongli shields are also just great for letting you comfortably spam attacks.
Okay, who dug the pit and encouraged the ascension quest when you are already struggling to clear dailies at your current world level? 😂
hey abra! I don't know if someone already told you this, but that first domain you unlocked during the stream give artifacts that are GREAT for yanfei (and klee if you plan on getting her!). a 4-piece set of the crimson witch of flames is great for pyro catalysts o/
Hi Abra, in case you plan on making a video for character trailers soon, I'm sharing the link to the character's trailer whose banner is coming up in 1.6 (after Eula's banner)
Meet Mondstadt's Spark Knight here:
No rush if you aren't planning on watching it yet. Just wanted to share it because she's coming back soon and she reminds me of you because you both spread happiness 😄
DANG I missed the livestream but so glad I get to watch the whole thing 😀
Hi again
Hey Abra!! The next quest you need to do is locked behind the world quest "buff keeper: dainsleif" and razors lupical quest and they both have stuff to do with the story so it's better to put them in videos!! The stream is amazing as always I hope to see more. Ad Astra abraxos 🙂
my play-by-play commentary, even tho a day late and you'll probably not see it:
– i see you still prefer meat instead of crystals for expeditions… maybe its time you get more weapons above level 20 so you finally start appreciating the value of crystals. even your stockpile of 800+ will evaporate after a few weapons to 90.
– domain level 90 too hard and you are giving up? did you notice the timer was per kill, and you got 2 slimes to 50%hp in the time, so you could've killed 1 if you focused it? yea, its not trivial, but it's not impossible either. its ok if its not right now on the stream, but think how you can improve and do it, dont just go completely discounting it. i.e. add xingqiu for extra dmg, shuffle your best artifacts to rosaria (or your desired main dps at any point) instead of spreading them among all, upgrade her weapon etc.
– you mention not having coop unlocked again… last stream you said you'd unlock it offstream. so you missed out the entire prophunt event because of it? thats missing both fun and primos 🙁
– yanfei deserves a better weapon for how much she's carrying you, surely you have some 4stars? widsith drop pls, mihoyo :p
– bennet q scales off his base atk only, so from character and weapon, not from artifacts
i pronounce it like kazoo-ha
Rewatching some of the parts i missed:
And dropping a fun fact for Abraxos: if you screenshot a new weapon which is at level 1— then take a screenshot when it's ascended to higher levels, you will see a creative and beautiful difference. (like when Noelle's sword which starts in a silver 🥈 color turns golden 🥇as you ascend it)
btw, what is the opening song?