Exhaustive Tartaglia Guide – Everything YOU Need: Rotations, Builds, and Teams | Genshin Impact

Tartaglia is one of Genshin Impact’s absolute best on-field DPS units. Childe has stood the test of time and only gotten better as the game grew older, gaining access to more teammate and team compositions that can utilize his front-loaded damage and take advantage of his extremely high and consistent AoE Hydro Application.

This guide covers everything you need to know about Childe, from abilities and talent overview, fundamental rotation, best weapons, artifact sets and stats, all the way to teams and playstyles.

Thanks for watching 😊!

My Twitter (X): twitter.com/DragonMJE

Introduction (0:00)
Abilities and Talents (0:43)
Talent Priority (6:55)
Energy Requirements (8:58)
Constellations (9:25)
Fundamental Rotation (16:31)
Artifacts and Stats (19:36)
Weapons (22:16)
Team Compositions (26:08)
Closing Statements + Bonus Tip 😉 + Rant (30:16)

Music Tracks:-

Letter From Ajax by HOYO-MiX – Remix by tnbee: https://youtu.be/IU0lv2RDoYA

– Living room – Dreamcatcher 🍃
– Provided by Lofi Girl
– Watch: https://youtu.be/l8E0AZ2wJc0
– Listen: https://open.spotify.com/album/3KTmEVClSrOaATXcocRUPP

Wrath of Monoceros Caeli · Yu-Peng Chen · HOYO-MiX: https://youtu.be/m1JsBvHzWfY


34 thoughts on “Exhaustive Tartaglia Guide – Everything YOU Need: Rotations, Builds, and Teams | Genshin Impact”

  1. Great guide! How much better would he be for the Vape (International) team compared to C1 Yelan (with First Great Magic)?

    Also – do you think 4.0 might be a bait banner and he is about to be powercrept by Neuvilette and/or Furina?

  2. I’ve had a fully built Childe for over a year now but rarely use him. There’s always someone I like playing more. But might take him out of the cupboard and try learning to how properly use his kit again.

  3. Tartag is one of the most enjoyable units. I'd put him right up there with Diluc in terms of fluidity. He just feels fantastic to play overall. Very strong, reliable, capable unit. I think Al Haitham and Childe both have nuance to their damage expression and how you get the damage from them, so it makes them very satisfying (or frustrating) to get results from.

  4. ​if only he is released post 2.1 patch, he would've had a plunge attack. his c2 would be at c1. His c6 would be at c2. his pull value would be at c2 like those newer dps unit. His c6 would be after stacking e/q/n1/c1 his crit damage will increase by 60% and he will deal an instance of electro delusion based of 120% of his attack as bonus after triggering riptide dmg. As of now. His cons are mediocre. No increase in his overall damage except c3 c5. And C6 is too niche. Hes doable at c0.

  5. Thanks you.
    Finaly I found someone who gets it.
    Ive been telling people about this guy since the day he was launched.
    Hes a god damn beast, people just play him wrong,.

    Comparing the average opinion of him and how strong he really is, I would say thathe is without a doubt the most underrated character in the game.
    And he is SOOO much fun to play, why would you sacrifice that to jump stopping every damn attack with Hu Tao`?

    Overall the best Childe guide Ive seen.
    Covered all the important stuff without making it unnecessarily complicated.
    Very clear and straight to the point.
    The only thing I feel you left out was the Quadratic Scaling of his Riptide but thats not really necessary knowledge as it applies automatically.
    It generally something one would bring up to promote the character itself, not explaiuning how he works.
    Leaving it out might even be a good thing as its one less thing to focus on while trying to learn a fairly complicated character.

  6. Ive always just assumed that he doesnt have a plunge attack in melee as its a ongoing skill and you cant execut a skill and a plunge attack simultaneously.
    I have no idea if this is the actual case, if it is I also have no idea if this is by design or if its just the result of the mechanics.
    It never really bothered me as I rarely use plynge attacks anyway and when I do it the initial attack before I go inte melee anyway soits never really been an issue.
    Have to agree tho, I was a bit dissapointed when I first got him in 1.1 and tried it to see what it looked like only torealize there wasnt one T_T

  7. "Now this character is not easy to play, at least by the standard of genshin impact"
    SO TRUE lmao. Genshin players want braindead gameplay and it makes me lose hope of ever getting more characters like Childe and Alhaitham

  8. Actually good video guide on Childe, holy shit. My only gripes with this video is that you didn't mention his quadratic scaling. His kit is littered with quadratic scaling which is what makes him strong and fast enabler. That alone deserved a section of the video to be discussed. But aside from that, good guide.

  9. Only thing bad about building him is that he uses Mondstad talent books. I hate that domain from the bottom of my heart. Everything else is easily accessible and you have multiple good options for his weapon and artefacts.

  10. Gonna slightly (!) disagree on the C6 matter as a C6 haver – non-copium. I will agree that it has been one of the most misunderstood and overrated constellations back when he came out, but what it does is basically enable even more diverse teambuilding options and make teams such as freeze compete with his other great team options. Playing him with Kazuha, Layla and Kaeya against grouped enemies gives me similar or even quicker clear times compared to my International team with a quite well-built Xiangling, mainly because not only Ican stay on Childe until C2+ Kaeya's extended burst time wears off, but I can then also just quickly set up the next frozen group of enemies in ~6-7 seconds and go ham on them again. So while I do get what you mean, I would personally say that C6 certainly doesn't do "nothing at all" as long as you don't just wanna play him like you would at C0. 🙂

  11. I have r1 rust r3 stringless r1 mouun's moon and rn I have 8 bow billets should I craft prototype crescent for him ?? I use his international team
    Pls help guys 😉💪

  12. Tartaglia is a good example like Xiao too, how much wasted potential there lies in the Characters, if MHY would only finally rebalance n rework Characters as part of adding finally Character Progression past AR60 into the Game. If Characters could awaken their true potentials only. Lets imagine for a moment, Awakenings would be realy finally a thing in the Game and his Constellations would look after the Rebalance like this for a now Max Lvl 120 Tartaglia that can finally reach also Rank 15 for all his Abilities and Max Rank 5 of Passives then:

    Awakened C1: Removes the 45 Second Cooldown of his E and Reduces the Cool Down from 36 Seconds max to 24 Seconds Max. Applying Riptides with Bow Stance will reduce now the Cooldown by 1s

    Awakened C2: His Burst Costs get reduced to 40, but Bow Stance doesnt give you 20 Energy Back anymore. Allies attacking Targets under Riptide will regain now 1 Energy per Hit every 2 seconds

    Awakened C3: Unlocks Talent Level 15 and Standard Attack Level 15 as also now Passive Level 5 of Passive 1

    Awakened C4: Riptide Applications cause now Defense Debuffs as Water can slice through everything, that stack up to 4 times, by decreasing Enemy DEF Values and the chance for you to cause Critical Hits with NA. 5% DEF Shred and 3% Crit Chance increase per Stack. Each Debuff Stack has its independant Durations. Once your E is Rank 15, your Party Members will also profit from the Critical Hit Increase, but they gain only maximum 1,5% Increase per Stack you have.

    Awakened C5: Unlocks Talent Level 50, as also now Level 5 of Passive 2 and 3

    Awakened C6: Switching between Combat Styles has no Cooldown anymore, as long Tartaglias has over over 50% Health, his NA Attack Speed is now also increased by 20% while his Targets have more Health, than him – as he gains the Battle Frenzy Effect. While hes having Battle Frenzy, his Attack Speed isn't only increased but he gains also more Interruption Resistance and a Hydro Shield temporarely whenever he performs a complete NA String and all Attacks land a hit successfully dealing damage. When that Hydro Shield gets destroyed, it will cause Riptide Wave, a circular Cascade AoE Hydro Attack, basically an AoE stronger version of Riptide Flash. The Hydro Shield works basically similar to that of Baizhu, it is rather weak,with the intention to get broken to perform its true effect..

    Dont you think a tartaglia in an awakened form under finally advanced progression woudl feel this way alot more fun and comfortable to play, more powerful logically too fittign for more challengign tougher enemies past AR60.

    Now imagine next, how cool he coul be as a Weapons Master, if MHY would add finally Secondary Weapons and Tartaglia would have a Secondarx Conestallation Set and new Skills/Bursts with a completely different Gameplay Design, if he could then equip also Polearms and transform them with his E from a Polearm this time into a nice Hydro Claymore??? How cool af woudl that be, if you could switch then in combat anytime between these two Combat Styles as like in Guild Wars 2, where you can switch anytiem between your primary and your secondary weapon to adapt your combat strategy based on the situations you are facing?? How much more fun the Combats in GI would become if our Characters woudl gain this much more versatility, than always being the same two skills only abnd using always the same weapon only …

    And all this is just only the tip of the iceberg of Character Progression Potential, how characters could and SHOULD get improved over time, as we progress with them in the game.
    This 3 years of progression stagnancy has to end finally.

  13. Alhaitham hyperbloom is gold 💛 my one and only dps going to inazuma, currently. Then I got Tartaglia today even if I still don't know how to use him. I hope by the time I face Signora I can 80% master him. 🙏


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