Since a lot of Yae Miko skills and gameplay leaks are coming out, many complaints are coming out as well. A lot of people are already starting to hate Yae Miko in Genshin Impact.
This is not a Yae Miko leaks, or Yae Miko animation, gameplay showcase. This is a video discussing about how Mihoyo and other gacha game works, and how Yae Miko will fit into Genshin Impact 2.5 and beyond.
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More About Genshin Impact:
Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo. The game features a fantasy open-world environment and action-based battle system using elemental magic and character-switching, and uses gacha game monetization for players to obtain new characters, weapons, and other resources. The game is online-only and features a limited multiplayer mode allowing up to four players to play together. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Android and iOS on September 28, 2020. Genshin Impact is also planned to release on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5; playability of the PlayStation 4 version on PlayStation 5 via backward compatibility was added on November 11, 2020.
Genshin Impact takes place in the fantasy world of Teyvat, which is home to seven distinct nations, each of which is tied to an element and ruled by a god associated with it. The story follows a twin, referred to as the Traveler, who has traveled across many worlds with their twin but has become separated from them by an unknown god in Teyvat. The Traveler travels across Teyvat in search of the lost sibling with their companion Paimon and becomes involved in the affairs of the other nations, gods, and the world.
The game received a generally positive reception, with critics praising the combat and open-world freedom, while some criticism was raised at its endgame. The game received generally positive reviews, with critics praising the combat and open-world, while others criticized its shallow endgame and monetization model. A commercial success, the game grossed over $2 billion in its first year of release.
Gacha games are free-to-play and rely on 'pulling' or 'rolling' for prizes to acquire new characters, items or upgrades, and characters are constantly changing, give it time and I believe Yae Miko will be a character that will cater towards all 3 categories of players.
Kazuha, Yoimiya, Raiden, Kokomi, and now Yae 🙄
💯 Waifu here my saying is this For the Waifu, Waifu For Life
In this game you can even beat abyss with amber in your team. Just make a good team for her and equip good artifacts and weapons. This game is not that hard, having a meta defining character will get you anywhere. Now if the gameplay is boring… yeah better to skip, i have ganyu and i cant play her because the aim mechanic of bows is so boring to me
Well I don't really care 😂 I already have a dedicated team for abyss so… Having her is more or less just for looking at… Something's.
honestly, Im kinda dissapointed of Yae skill leak, obviously, she still in her beta, but there are two reasons I dont have the determination to roll for her.
First is her playing style, I was hoping her skill was more interesting than the leak, I like character with appealing and surprising playstyle, a character that have thing other characters dont have, like Childe with his switch form between melee and range combat, Kazuha with his E can crowd control enemies,… But for Yae, I think she a combine of Lisa and Sara, her skill didnt make me feel creative at all. The second reason, she is a miko, but Im afraid she is a dps or much like sub-dps character, but I hope she is a sp type, what kind of miko that couldnt heal or create barrier to protect your character? As a miko I was imagining she could summon shikigami, create kekkai, or anything like that. Well, this is my opinion, I dont force any idea of mine into you who want to roll for her. To me the chance that I will roll for her is about 50/50. Her E skill, at least still have some fun
Notice how many Yae leaks there have been?
They want you to… Spend. Your. Primos.
So when she drops, you spend your money.
Regardless, Yae will fill up the spot for my All elemental infused DPS collection and she waifu with a playful nature, I like that.
Sadly I wish I can get the character and unlock all their ability but constellation ruin everything and the game so easy that you don't need constellation at all but your rotation will be slow and have low dmg that's it and I don't care about waifu or husbando imgine just pull the character and stare at it if the character good i pull if not skip
In terms on DPS, I don't need her at all. In terms of character, still 50:50. In terms of primogems, I don't have enough 😂
Balancing? I don't think I need that, this is not pvp or competitive game, why need balancing in the 1st place.
I think if they make bennett xiangling and xingqiu 5 star and move overpowered units like ganyu,kazuha or zhongli to 6 star…the community will stabilise. TBH Not the 2nd option but I think the 1st option is indeed a good one.
what about Yomia
still meta dead despitw the element
Its always fun seeing metaslaves whine over how the new character doesnt reach ganyu in damage or bennett in support, im particularly excited to see what they'll whine about when the first dendro character is released
Y'all were saying the same shit about ganyu before she came out now everybody wants her
What you said about balancing/nerfing characters doesn't make any sente, take FGO for exemple, Merlin was the strongest support in the game, they created new mechanics that new characters would do better than merlin in certain scenarios, but he still performe great. What mihoyo is doing is powercreeping characters over and over, so you will always need one new character would perfome better in the only endgame content. Instead of creating scenarios where CC is good but other things is better, they make enemys immune to CC, same as Zhong shield with corrosion.
Also, the bigger problem is that we only have >one< endgame content over 1 year of genshin, so if something is not working in abyss, automatically it sucks.
its not hate or love . testers share their opinion and concerns of a character they played and tested . the leakers who got to play her say that her kit felt underwelming and that her burst range and delay of attacks makes it really hard to fully hit the enemey when you re dealing with moving mobs .these are things subject to change since mihoyo is known of buffing characters prior release . the issue here is the community is literally full of whiny kids who just feel the need to argue for no reason .
I'm not listening to a damn thing this community says about any character. Clown shit.
Thing is stuff like her kit were not suppose to see it yet at least the public which most of us feel are
Cool video but..'waifu character'…really?
Damn, the amount of drama… yunjin singing drama, shenhe support drama, yae not dps drama, Ayato horse drama… I already see it: Unknown god can't one shot weekly bosses with a normal attack drama.
I think we'll never deserve anniversary rewards XD
I'm going to be the heretic and say that I don't like Yae's character, so I'm not going break my bank to get her. I want Xiao and Zhongli first.
But the fact that the meta zombies are already gathering does not surprise me. They always do that. Reddit and Twatter are the worst offenders by far. These zombies just gather around waiting for someone to disagree with them, then it's a feeding frenzy. I've learned not to pay them any heed from now on. The one time I listened to them, I passed up on Kokomi and now I regret it. Honestly, pull for whoever you like.
I might get xiao then skip Ganyu and zhongli for yae Miko but I don’t know because I might want yae miko and ganyu😢
Whatever Yae's power level turns out to be, it can't be as bad as the Kokomi release because she's been THE most anticipated character for a while now and Mihoyo know that. They're probably not gonna release a bad character who has so much hype behind her.
Y’all are PATHETIC! 🤣😂 now we hating on Yae Miko? like y’all hated on Shenhe? You guys are always gonna find something wrong with a character and stop speaking for the community as if you know what everybody feelings are towards this character 🙄
Not everyone hates her.ALOTT of people love her bro everyone is skipping every banner because of her
First time? Kokomi got yhe hate first but now people are using her in Spiral Abyss.
I just see only one issue with yae. The stamina consumption. Smh, 50 is alot 😕
actually mihoyo make a smart move. change the current meta and introducing a new meta seems like a great idea. i don't get why ppl complain abt the game being so boring while they themself play zhongli and ganyu (which the most basic and boring char)
HATES?? i love her huh even tho i might not need a dps charachter rn i just like her she's so pretty and badass lol
I dont understand the people that are hating shes still in the beta version wait for her give her some time to be released and then see yall did the same thing with kazuha now look he is one of the most wanted and used characters plus iam bot going to let some silly beta scaling stop me from pulling for her
So what if Yae miko isn’t powerful? I don’t care I’ve fallen in love with her and there’s no one that can stop me, i prioritise voice, personality and appearance over damage just let me enjoy the game in peace.
Waifu/husbando > meta
People are disappointed one way or another. It's basically a shit show at this point.
Ok i want to ask to use for Raiden, Eula, Rosa comp, if i losse Zhongli 50/50 which one should i pick after i losse 50/50 on Zhongli (kazuha or kokomi)?
This is expected, in the current state of the game where everything is a dps check, learning attack patterns is not fun and people really only enjoy anything with high numbers, the current abyss is just “you have 3 mins to kill these tanky mfs” literally the only mechanic we have being corrosion makes it even more of a dps check which is ridiculous, another problem is new characters getting power creeped by old characters, ik this sounds ludicrous but this is the truth, mihoyo is stubborn and are hesitant to nerf characters yet at the same time they keep releasing characters weaker than those other characters whilst simultaneously making abyss harder, in the end the game has come to an endless loop of grindfest and the combat is simply not enjoyable anymore.
Waifu pullers be like I'll pull no matter what then complain later if the character is weak