EVERY CLAYMORE RANKED! C0 Eula Weapon Comparisons and Analysis – Genshin Impact

Here I rank EVERY RECOMMENDED claymore and showcase 4 of them in game!
At 10:41 I meant to say “without a shield and with max stacks, the unforged performs exactly the same as a Wolf’s Gravestone without its buff up”.

0:00 | Intro
0:29 | Raw Burst Damage Comparisons
5:00 | Full Team Nuke Comparisons
9:05 | ALL (good) Weapons Analysis


24 thoughts on “EVERY CLAYMORE RANKED! C0 Eula Weapon Comparisons and Analysis – Genshin Impact”

  1. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, my Eula's ult hits 390k at most on primo geovishap, using zhongli, fischl and bennet, and using this exact same combo of 13 stacks. Her talents are 10/6/9. Lisa's and Klee's defense down makes so much difference? Awesome video, I'm from Brazil and I love your content!

  2. Hey, what do you think about energy recharge sands on Eula? Is it worth it for a F2P?

    Also thanks for all the content you always make for us. Yours is seriously one of my favorite channels 💕

  3. I appreciate the breakdown at the end talking about what weapons are best for her at this point based on more than just your initial clips (like how different refinements work out). I have a song of broken pines and a wolf's from standard so I wasn't sure which one I would end up using (I can't begin to think of r5'ing 5 star weapons xD).


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