Gorou’s hangout reveals some crazy stuff about his skills…
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This video focuses on checking out some of the more serious things about Gorou, like his damage multipliers and even how the talents function. Although the current equipment on him isn’t in the most optimal shape, the goal here is not to evaluate his damage dealing capabilities but instead look at the numbers and think of how we can prepare for his release.
But even with just this Gorou hangout it’s already clear his Mono Geo team potential will be insane just from the sample data testing that was done so imagine how strong will Gorou Mono Geo truly looks like when he actually arrives!
Gorou damage dealer or Gorou support builds will come out later in the next video once the 2nd banner with Arataki Itto arrives as well as a dedicated Gorou guide which will be made at a later date.
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Those fluffy ears and tail… are going to break the meta.
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Noelle: oh wait brother?
Gorou: wait- but your not like me
I need geo dmg goblets:3
Itto, Gorou, Zhongli, Albedo.
Geo bois assemble!!
with this, if i can get zhongli and gorou, then I could essentially throw them together with eula and benny to increase her resistance to interruption even more pog
Gorou: Gonna defense boost the team and help everyone
Bennet: Hold my beer
Gorou: Gonna boost your defense so you can fight more uninterrupted
Noelle: Challenge Accepted. Time to clean up!
Problem is mono geo is both boring and most of its best pieces are locked behind 5-star characters. Albedo who most people skipped and is now being rerun right before Itto. Zhongli as well. I suppose you could try to replace Zhongli with Noelle snce she scales off of def but then her shield is much weaker thought she does offer healing to make up for it. No telling what Yin Jin will add to that mix though.
But still I really have little interest in mono geo, to boring and sounds like a nightmare fighting something with elemental shielding like Abyss mages, Heralds, Lectors, and the supposed new Pyro one thats going to be getting added soon.
I think Gorou and Itto truly sold me on the Mono Geo Team dream. Now, more than ever, it truly feels possible. I just got Albedo yesterday, and now I'm excited about Itto's banner as well. I'm shooting for: Itto / Gorou / Albedo / Zhongli and I'm so excited to strive for a weird team which such great synergy. 🙂
I was just thinking, no way Mihoyo is going to release a 5* character that only supports one element, how bad would that be for the meta? Then I see this, and now all my dreams and hopes of a good Shenhe is gone.
if only Geo teams are not so fucking expensive to build and deal higher damage than maybe I'll consider it
he'll be so good against the primo geovishap
ningguang gonna be monster with gorou
Did Yae Miko edit this video?
I have albedo and zhongli, I want a full geo team. Not to mention I have vortex on zhongli. ZHONGLI DPS
My team after 14 december:
Geo traveler with 2 archaic petra 2 noblesse noblige
Zhongli hp build 45.000+ (4 pieces Tenacy of the Millelith and C1)
Itto (with Unforged R4 and 4 pieces Husk of Opulent Dreams)
Gorou (C6)
Elemental reactions: Am I a JokE To yOu?
Is he a 4-star?
Oof I kinda want him but my pity is close to 60 and I don't want itto
so they basacly throw a bennet, but in the def
too bad i don't have any of the good geo caracter lol, not even Albedoo (i get fuck'd by the 50/50) and easy mod
a.k.a Zhongly
and no, i don't have enought, or maybe with luck, for Itoo
2:59 we saw that
9:43 well…. I think that unfortunately Shenhe will be this specific thing….
The new Geo team of Zhongli, Albedo, Gorou, and Arataki is going to be fantastic for F2Ps and low spenders who only have C0 or C1s of most of the 5 stars. I personally can't wait to give it try. Just running Zhongli and Albedo with my C1 Hue Tao has been fantastic.
Basically… he is Sarah but for def/Geo team.
this was a good video
Perfect! I always wanted to have a mono Geo team.
as a xinyan and albedo main… this is such a good offer
come on… stop comparing every support to Bennett
I want to get gorou but I'm almost reaching pity 🙁
i wish ningguang could better utilise gorou's support too..
-sincerely, a ningguang main since day 1
Imagining a spiral abyss party filled with Itto, Gorou, Albedo, Zhongli.
it will be a lot of multiple crackling stones with geo damage everywhere..
3:48 nonono please dont recomend it. Geo cristals are hard to generate, usually they get the element of the shield or the other elements unless you fighting a geo bishop or theyre petrified (zhongli). Doesnt matter who picks up the crystal in this case but they wont be geo crystals so it wont make any diference.
I wanted to unlock his hangout until i noticed what I had to do first but thank you ಥ‿ಥ
3:27 i had to repeat this multiple times because I was looking at gorou and gorou pet-
Ey but. One of the upcoming characters will also be a defense scaling character from what I’ve seen so, getting him will be worth it
The thing I'm honestly waiting on to try out is his C4. Since I'm pulling for Itto anyways, I'm aiming for C4 Gorou. I plan on playing him with at least 2 set maidens and depending on his healing output, I'll decide if I'll go full geo or not. If it's enough to keep Itto alive in combat, I'll aim for Itto, Gorou, Albedo and probably Kaeya. If not Kaeya will be replaced with Noelle.
Will be fun to try him out. I am a little hesitant about a character essentially forced to play mono Geo; I've done mono Geo in Abyss and it gets old fast as is
The fact…. that the only thing not completly rolled over by Geo in abyss at this point is Abyss mage Shields and Herald/Lector. I would not agree with you. But hey thats my findings and I wont hate you for not sharing my opinion.
I've been thinking about using Millelith on Gorou as so many alredy want the husk. And he can use the 4 piece alot. Though it would drop the defense abit.
Way more better 2:40
What about Gorou 4 piece Archaic Petra with Elemental Mastery to increase shield strength…? That might be an interesting build for elemental teams actually.
Ah shit here we go with the Thoma glitch but with goru
I'm a Noelle main in TW, and Gorou will likely replace either Ningguang (if I'm going for a more defensive setup) or Zhongli (if I'm going for a more offensive setup) since Gorou would boost both Albedo and Noelle, easily. Definitely looking forward to pulling for him 🙂
i like gorou because of belly- I MEAN EARS HIS FLUFFY EARS
I don't think Goro is good.
Geo as an element has the problem that it can't interact with the other elements and this pushes it even further in that direction.
They should have made Geo reactions better. They should have made it so having a crystalize shard incresses dmg similar to Kazuha's passive or something similar to Cinnbar Spindle where it adds a flat ammount based on the Defense or EM of the geo character.
They should have also made it so Anemo can interact with it.
Like make it so Geo and Anemo creates an AOE called "Sandstorm" that increses dmg taken by idk..20% and reduces the attack of the enamy by 20% while also dealing dmg every second based on EM.
I hate that MHY made it so certain elements are seen as "support" elements while others are seen as DMG dealer elements.
Like for example there aren't may ways to increase Anemo DMG or Geo DMG.
Idk I think its bad game design to fuck up game balance and try to fix it with new artifact sets rather than going back to fix the elements that have problems.
Cant wait to have him. Pulled Albedo, now him and now Yunjin, My geo team comes together. Noelle, Albedo, Gorou, Yunjin
I was considering pulling on Itto's banner, which means I would have likely gotten Gorou. Then they leaked that Shenhe should be coming in 2.4 with Yun Jin and that made the Itto baner an auto-skip for me. Hey, everyone has their preferences. =)
Ok I won't get him. I don't have a Noelle geo defence team.