Yall be hating him for playing genshin That game is for everyone I swear yall be toxic I love both fandoms but yall have gone to far ( this message is for the toxic genshin players and dream haters only ^^)
it's really sad that they didn't give him a chance to start playing genshin from the beginning(( i mean he would learn how to play and what to do by himself and it's truly better than just giving him 45 rank account with 5* characters:(
anyway, i am happy that he played it at least once!! by the sound of it he enjoyed genshin and that's cool c:
Quitting genshin because his fans are playing now is stupid guys, both fandoms have basically sank, there's not a point. Maybe try staying out of the genshin community itself? I don't like dream either but I'm not so fucking pissed off that he played it and that his fans are playing it now. Grow up man, both communities are shit.
736 resin lol, it also make me remember about one of his stan saying jenshin player is fat and never touch grass lmao, also you can find me in jenshin here my UID : 838826270
Im life 28 seconds to the vid and he says "these things rudley attacked me" bruh thtas literarily the game- do u actually think your special and he called xiao JEFF!? bro you didnt even try pronouncing it and if you did you would definitely get it wrong then make fun of it
nahhh wtf…
lmao majority of genshin fans r ex dsmp fans including myself. can the people in the comments stop slandering eachother and do their own thing 💀💀
Yall be hating him for playing genshin
That game is for everyone I swear yall be toxic I love both fandoms but yall have gone to far ( this message is for the toxic genshin players and dream haters only ^^)
Its his first time and already got xiao?????HUH??? BENNETT TOO????
am i reading y'all comments correct that some of y'all are actually quitting the game just because dream plays genshin ??? 😭😭
Cant wait for ur gays fandom shipping paimon x traveler and shits
This confirms he stays at home overweighted asf
I don't see anything wrong here, he's just enjoying the game like everyone does when playing it.
Some players trying to gatekeep the game from a person who is sponsored by the said game is.. and forever will not be pathetic
736 resin 💀
Gotta be careful cuz his fandom might do crazy schemes
I'm fine with him playing genshin it's just that he's quite problematic himself – coming from a ex dsmp fan
This is fkn surreal.
Also, after reading the comments i wanna kill myself. Im so tired of every fandom to ever exist, yall shit.
man people are such crybabies. quitting because someone you don't like is playing a game millions of others play ? touch grass
People not realising he's AR45 as he's saying "completely new experience"
700 resin…
it's really sad that they didn't give him a chance to start playing genshin from the beginning((
i mean he would learn how to play and what to do by himself and it's truly better than just giving him 45 rank account with 5* characters:(
anyway, i am happy that he played it at least once!! by the sound of it he enjoyed genshin and that's cool c:
I was laughing so hard when he was playing it. God I remember when I was like that.
The only problem is that we don’t need Dream’s community meshing with Genshin’s…
Genshin’s is already bad enough as is, and we don’t need it to become any worse…
Quitting genshin because his fans are playing now is stupid guys, both fandoms have basically sank, there's not a point. Maybe try staying out of the genshin community itself? I don't like dream either but I'm not so fucking pissed off that he played it and that his fans are playing it now. Grow up man, both communities are shit.
Link is better..
I’m fine with him playing it but CRESCENT PIKE ON XIAO PAINS ME
How does he have so many characters if it’s his first time playing?? Did someone give him that acc?
736 resin lol, it also make me remember about one of his stan saying jenshin player is fat and never touch grass lmao, also you can find me in jenshin here my UID : 838826270
Im life 28 seconds to the vid and he says "these things rudley attacked me" bruh thtas literarily the game- do u actually think your special and he called xiao JEFF!? bro you didnt even try pronouncing it and if you did you would definitely get it wrong then make fun of it