DPS SHOWDOWN! Xianyun vs Xiao vs Kazuha! Who's the STRONGEST Anemo Plunge DPS? Genshin Impact

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It’s about time for another DPS Showdown, and this is the first time a main DPS Kazuha is featured! I pit the brand new Xianyun anemo dps character up against Xiao and Kazuha to see WHO is the STRONGEST Anemo plunge DPS Character in Genshin Impact version 4.4!

Check out Shintenzu’s channel for more Xiao speedruns: https://youtube.com/@shintenzux

0:00 | Builds and Disclaimers
4:36 | Friendly Salad
6:24 | Angry Samurai
9:05 | Water Balloon
11:28 | Just a Crab
14:10 | Abyss 12
17:48 | Results and Takeaways

#genshin #genshinimpact #xianyun


34 thoughts on “DPS SHOWDOWN! Xianyun vs Xiao vs Kazuha! Who's the STRONGEST Anemo Plunge DPS? Genshin Impact”

  1. I pulled Xianyun for her character and for a Hu Tao support. Ended up surprisingly using her as my main DPS, rarely have had this much fun in abyss and overworld before. The fact she stacks Yae's weapon with her skill is bonkers. Xianyun / Zhongli / Faruzan (C6) / Furina has been such a crazy blast, i adore her. I slapped my Wanderer's Pavilion set on her for that plunge dmg % lmao.


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