DPS Comparison! Gaming Vs Hu Tao! Who's The Strongest? Genshin Impact

A Comparison between Gaming and Hu Tao In Genshin Impact. SUBSCRIBE!

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35 thoughts on “DPS Comparison! Gaming Vs Hu Tao! Who's The Strongest? Genshin Impact”

  1. IMO the biggest "winners" from having Cloud Retainer are Hu Tao C0 players. I never liked playing with Hu Tao because of her annoying jump-cancel to be played at C0, and I didn't feel good about investing to get her to C1, so I just left her aside… until Cloud Retainer, now it does feel somewhat nice and smooth to jump-cancel with Hu Tao.

  2. Gaming, Furina, Xinqiu, and Xianyun.
    Set up: Gaming skill -> Yianyun skill then burst, Xinqiu burst and skill, Furina skill and burst.
    Gaming skill -> 2NA, Repeat for ~8 vaporizes

  3. I guess you can look at this as Gaming with Xianyun support, or alternately, you can look at it as a Xianyun team with Gaming filling the "Faruzan" role… a four star that requires C6 so the five star can function. Just the inverse from the norm, in regards to which roles the five and four star fill. Gaming is a niche DPS four star for Xianyun.

    I wonder if we'll see more of this for future five star niche-role supports. Will they also get a four star DPS that can perform at five star levels if teamed with that specific support and C6?

  4. Hu Tao may be more mobile, but I love the gameplay of Gaming. Considering a four star, even at c6, can compete with a top tier DPS that is from the 'old era' of Genshin characters where they were stupidly strong (Ganyu for example) I see that as a win.

    May not be as good or efficient, but its neat to me and fun to play.

  5. Problem with gaming is that you need specfic supports and when you have all of his best supports, he is redundant on your account since every other alternatives can give similar outputs anyway

  6. People are so far into the brainrot of "4* dps are trash" to the point that we're nitpicking on circle impact and that Gaming is trash because he doesnt powercreep Hu Tao. As if Navia is that strong without Bennett and she wishes she has Gaming's aoe

  7. diluc also makes use of double hydro a lot better than Gaming. So in an abyss setting where enemies spawn spread out, my goat will apply hydro in between plunges and destroy everything like a pekka from clash royale

  8. Hutao's gameplay flaws are still such a huge turn off. I defrosted her after 2 years to try with Furina and Xianyun and she's back in the freezer on the same day.

    Meanwhille, Gaming is just much much more fun and satisfying to play. And I never have to worry about stamina or excessively chasing after enemies.

  9. Gaming and Hu Tao are quiet similar to one another if you ask me. The two have a fun-outgoing personality, both have Pyro vision, both their hair are brown. And like what some comments says here, they are powerful in-game.

    Anyone shipping them…? XD

  10. Couple issues. Gaming is in fact not stronger than Diluc in plunge. Diluc is ALREADY stronger than Hutao in terms of damage. Literally just do a dmg parse (10 seconds) which is enough to land all 8 plunges. For diluc this calcs to a value well over the N1CJCP combo for Hutao.

    People have been claiming this is super high. Unfortunately this is only 3168% for hutao. Diluc on the other hand will have done 3528%

    This means Diluc outputs higher damage. The only issue one can state is that Claymore's aren't very good. But Gaming uses Claymore. So it's not really that kind of a difference.

    Gaming does not beat Diluc. It's all a made up lie. Theoretically he does. Unfortunately his DPS parses rely on things that aren't exactly consistent. It's all theoretical. Gaming outperforming Diluc entirely relies on Diluc having 0 constellations. But c2 Hutao and C2 Diluc aren't hard things to obtain. And Diluc only needs c2 to be well beyond both Hutao and Gaming with Xianyun.

    We really need to preface these statements in a proper way. As for the Pyro application, hutao applies pyro too fast, but as far as I could tell, Diluc didn't, even with the much faster plunges.

    This is because Hutao wants about 10-15 vapes in 10 seconds. Diluc only needs 8. Which is easily obtained.

    Youtubers and theorycrafters also really need to stop with the 4* c6 simping as a c6 4 star is about on par with a c1-c2 5 star in terms of difficulty to obtain.

    Do we not remember people who have done 200+ wishes and not gotten the 4 star they wanted c6? It's actually annoyingly common. I have c2 raiden, but no c6 sara. I have her c5. All because Raiden has guarantees. There is no guarantee for Kujou Sara. Gaming is the same. There's NO guarantee for him. its a 33% chance on the 10 pull pities, and a significantly worse chance on the 10 pull no feature guarantees.


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