Dori Is Only GOOD With This Solution… And It's A BIG PROBLEM! (Genshin Impact)

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About This Video:

It’s safe to say a lot of people in the community believe that Dori is underwhelming. Well, what if I told you most of the testing was based around C0 Dori and with extra constellations, Dori actually becomes decent if not great!? Well, take a look at this video where I showcase Dori DPS, Dori Support and C6 Dori dps build that’s going to blow your mind! It seems like Dori, just like her character, loves Mora and you need to pay with Primos to actually make her work 🙁

Genshin Impact

All footage produced by Gacha Gamer. (except for marketing footage provided by sponsor)

#DivineW #openworld #mmorpg


49 thoughts on “Dori Is Only GOOD With This Solution… And It's A BIG PROBLEM! (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Dori self applies electro on her burst, right? So this should mean Sunfire Jean has an electro alternative. I think there can be some fun there. But I don't have a Jean to try this out with.

  2. The only problem I have with Dori currently is Hoyoverse still haven't shown their hands about what exactly her niche is. Even at C6, she isn't doing a lot of things that other characters couldn't, and where she is unique she doesn't quite excel yet.

    Maybe Dori is another one of those 4 stars that is just waiting for something or someone. Honestly C6 solutions even for 4 star characters is kind of a hard sell for most players.

  3. I'm gonna get shamed for this but 4 accounts didn't get a single dori yet and didn't get one single copy on any account last banner of fischl! Garbage how is that even possible! Waited that whole time and couldn't get one copy on 4 accounts over 400 pulls. That's insane. Guess I need more accounts

  4. I find her constellations although an issue in gameplay, can be perceived as a characterization method! Dori love money and she's adorably greedy, so after taking all of your money (primos) out showing your Dori dedication to her business (getting constellations over time) for C6, she rewards you accordingly. Of course, she wants all of your money right now so whaling for her c6 is what she's all about and rewards you with 12+ reactions in a rotation ^^

  5. I feel this video is so unfair to Dory, Dory at C0 is pretty okay all she needs is at least and R4+ Sacrificial Sword I actually made a video on my channel,testing my Dory with low investment the team I was using with her became insane with Dory, you can even replace Thoma with Albedo also and pick up crystalize electro shields.

    And thunder fury x4 makes it very viable makes it so that she always has her burst up, also C1 is great not only for reactions but also for energy generation. C6 can probably function better with clam set.

  6. Unironically, I think Hoyoverse putting character changing abilities behind their constellations is a way of future proofing. Since it's pretty easy to get 4*. But maybe after the next region they might have to re-think it…

  7. I bet every Bennett DPS mains saw this coming just from reading leaked data about Dori's kit and quicken reaction. Both are healers with talents and artifacts for skill cooldown reduction, which make them pretty viable for skill spamming healer-DPS role. In Dori's case, MHY even had to put a hard cap on her burst ICD and C2's attenuation tag just to not create another healer-DPS like Bennett with potentially 6-star power rating. Particle generation rate, which scales with ER of each teammate unlike flat energy regen, is doubled if the skill cooldown is halved so such shit is OP as feck in terms of well-roundedness. Like 10 pyro particles dropped by casting Bennett's skill for 5 times in approximately 10 sec can generate (10 * 1.8 * 2) = 36 Energy for an ER 200% Xiangling in 4-character team while an ER 300% Raiden Shogun herself can only generates 27.5 Energy for the pyro archon.

  8. Can't believe this was stretched out into 10 minutes (and two $econds!) I think this is more impressive than the actual content of the video.
    TLDW: Dori is not as good as Kuki or Keqing

  9. Have you tried Dori in coop? Because I've seen people call her Coop Queen because her burst connects to all active players, healing and restoring energy and all connectors can proc reactions. I think she's meant to be electro support for melee dendro DPS, supposedly Al-Haitham.

  10. If they just made Kuki heal herself during her burst we wouldn't even have to talk about Dori. Non burst reliant healing, better Hyperbloom potential. Tenacity user, Deepwood. My only issue with Kuki is the high chance of her dying while activating the skill or burst if you get hit while casting because her HP is already low. But still can be fixed by getting good. Or by having C6 which isn't that much of a need for her.

  11. Kuki maybe outshines her when it comes to healing, but she compensates when it comes to being a battery.

    And she's easy to build, just equip her with 4pc exile/sac greatsword (ER prio) set and she's good to go, she can be run as solo electro. (Sands should be an off-piece ER set).

  12. Advantage that all guides miss – Dori's ult scales with number of active characters, since every is getting their linkage with the lamp. Thus, in co-op with 4 players it's 4x stronger !!! That's nothing to scoff at. Dori is good for co-op. But still, that doesn't seem as huge value of a character as a whole if in all other aspects she is weaker than other options for the team.

  13. my problem with dori is she is so cute an unique design-wise, and just useless for any unique playstyle. anything she may do "good" there are already multiple people out that do the same thing great. kuki is so much better, why did they kit her like this?

  14. Arguably Bennett needs C1 and Xingqiu needs Sacrificial Sword to perform well (and Xingqiu gets better the more constellations you have), so it's not new that some characters need constellations. I still remember when I started playing people told me to build Xingqiu and I didn't have sacrificial sword (or good ER artifacts) so it was a pain.


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