DON'T Make This MISTAKE In Patch 1.4! Genshin Impact

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32 thoughts on “DON'T Make This MISTAKE In Patch 1.4! Genshin Impact”

  1. If you really want Venti then going for him immediately is fine, the same thing applies to if you really want Childe. This is just mainly for the people that want to maximize their accounts while using as minimal primogems as possible as far as summoning on multiple banners.

  2. I'm prolly gonna spend most if not all my primos on Venti as I REALLY want and need him in my teams.
    Once I get him I'll probably try to get Childe too, but Venti is by far my most wanted out of the 2

  3. F2p and light spenders please don't fall for meta and summon venti…PULL FOR HIM ONLY IF YOU LIKE HIM…he is absolutely not necessary for your account because 1. He is very niche in abyss literally only one chamber which btw the abyss pattern can change 2. His element is weak and Farming 4 vv set and the amount of resin spent, halts your overall account progress 3. If you feel like you need venti's succ to take care of small enemies then your characters are not built well…instead go for freeze comp which is much better because it cc the big enemies also….if you ever care about your account summoning for venti in late game or end game content is bad. Yes the hype is real but don't fall for it because this a gacha game they don't bring back content for old characters…the abyss always changes according to the new character

  4. Plz no more reruns ill probably get sh*ted on buy child bec iam now trying to get hu tao iam close to pity but all i can get is 3 wishes rip me and i want rosaria so while iam trying to get here i will child and f this sh*t

  5. All these people saying they waiting for ZhongLi. His rerun should still be quite some time away, unless hes going to skip all the other reruns like Childe did. We still need Klee rerun first

  6. Man, everybody needs to calm down about missing out on a character. Banners come back, this is literally proof of that. So what if some third character comes by, don't worry about it. if you were saving for venti, pull on venti. If you were saving for childe then get him. If you pulled for them just to find out X character was coming next, just relax, they'll be back. Save up for their rerun.


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