Does C6 Bennett REALLY Destroy Genshin Impact?

Today in Genshin Impact we’re talking about C6 Bennett.



29 thoughts on “Does C6 Bennett REALLY Destroy Genshin Impact?”

  1. Outside physical teams. He can no longer be used with melee character on FREEZE teams. If you don't have Shenhe/Mona, Benny can be used to buff freeze teams.
    C6 Benny is no big deal on you veterans because you have every character/substitutes. C5 Benny just makes him a universal buffer.
    In the case of Ayaka, you don't rule out only Ayaka, you instead rule out every character who will use the same mechanic as her.πŸ€”In other words you'll be destroying his future potential teams too.i.e. characters from Fontaine and Cryo region might be incompatible with him.

    Saying C6 Benny is no big deal is misleading to people who don't have options.

  2. Personally speaking I don't even use Bennett that much anymore as the meta has changed a lot that even without him you could still fully complete the abyss. C6 Bennett might restrict some comps however it could be considered as a buff as well, in the overall scheme of things C6 doesn't really matter.

  3. I find it funny no one mentioned that there's a burgeon/burning comp that straight up benefits. Kazuha burgeon comp.
    Kazuha, Nahida, Kokomi and Bennett. With Kazuha C2 you can straight up to to 1450+ EM, both burning and burgeons will be huge while he will still be able to deal a lot of damage with his own NAs. Or Overload team. His OVs in Nahida team can hit over 30k on NAs while also doing Dendro reactions. C6 Bennett only ruins physical and melt Ayaka. Niche teams that get outclassed in every way by current teams because let's be honest, if you use Bennett with Eula – it's damage per screenshot comp.

  4. Yes! it doesn't ruin your account but People like Yoimiya, klee, yanfei won't get the c6 benny effect BECAUSE it says that c6 benny does sword, claymore and polearm-wielding characters so yeah, with mine being said and moga's. It doesn't ruin your account πŸ˜€

    (It might be that those char. get the 15% pyro dmg but they won't get pyro infused weapons wich is basicaly the point of c6 benny)

  5. There are a few cool teams that require C6. Believe it or not, the highest dps Razor team is the burgeon focused overvape team, where you build him full EM and use the pyro infusion with his electro coordinated attacks in burst to proc a bunch of strong reactions. Just another reason why C6 is super cool. I definitely recommend it personally.

  6. Almost 5 months that i have been living with the red dot. I don't really have any use for his C6 since the only pyro character i use is Hutao. I only use him for Xiao coz i still don't have 4 set vermilion.

  7. I C6'd Bennett without hesitation. I got it during Nahida's current banner and it added like 20k to my Yoimiya's normal attacks…I havent even tried him with my godlike Klee.

    So, it's like…ok…I don't have any physical teams anyway, so even if I wanted to build a phys dps outside of Qiqi…it would just be easier and do more damage if I built a pyro Qiqi or equivalent…

  8. I am purposely getting C6 as I am one Con away. But for my case, my other support characters like Diona and Rosaria who are C6 better for Eula and Ayaka. Getting it but holding of, since I have teams that built on Physical with him.

  9. Come on ppl enough with this drama like no one uses keqing and razor anywyas since they are trash and even among eula users no one use her with benny unless they are going for a one shot clip or something cuz there will be ER issues which will decrease your dmg instead of raising it
    I activated c6 benny like 5 months ago and i hat the c6 con like 3 months before the activation and i should have done it long time ago since there is no negative side of activating it
    Myself i use zhongli, albedo, eula and raiden or eula, diona, raiden and sara and they are i find those two teams the the best for eula and very balanced and there wont be ER problems yet ppl still talking shit about benny and eula team like no one uses them together anyways like just stop it ppl

  10. I mean every hyper carry has there one infusion … So c6 just does not ruin anything … So I think it's ok
    And after dendro I don't think he fits on many team .. other then burgon or burning πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘ so it's ok if u do C6 it..

  11. I keep Bennett at C5 cuz I specifically built him to be Melt Pyro DPS w/ Chongyun on support since 1.1, and if I C6 him, my Chongyun loses like the one function he has anymore since these days I have Ayaka for permafreeze. And I ain't about to abandon my boy Chongyun, cuz Chongyun hard carried me as my main DPS early on in 1.0. I keep Bennett at C5 so my boy Chongyun still has a job.

    There are plenty more units that will benefit from Bennett C6, including Bennett himself, but until C6 is toggleable, I'm keeping him at C5 for Chongyun. He does his job fine at C5 anyway.

  12. i c6ed benny no hesitation and i love him just as much as before. i think it really depends on your team comps and such so to each their own. play how you like. genshin is pve game after all.

  13. People saying Benny ruining your account as if the majority of the meta plays around Keqing and Physical carries πŸ’€ The noobs can't think of any other support character beside our Benny boi

  14. Benny is great at c6, with dendro his infusion he opens more options and comps. cryo characters their own buffers, same for electro. benny is great, enjoy your C6, its fun chaos.


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