Diluc vs Childe LORE Wise || Genshin Impact #genshin #genshinimpact


49 thoughts on “Diluc vs Childe LORE Wise || Genshin Impact #genshin #genshinimpact”

  1. Brother, you compared a literally trained warrior, the Tsaritsa's weapon of war, a Snezhnayan vanguard to a gentleman who once became a Knight of Favonius. True that Diluc has many experiences in combat since he protected Monstadt in his own way. He could defeat Abyss mages and monsters. But still… in lore wise, they're still different.
    They're both hot tho 🤭

  2. A lot of misinformation in the comments. It's his delusion not his father's because…

    …Crepus originally got it for him. It's actually Crepus who borrowed Diluc's delusion.

  3. I have very surface level of lore on both so dont take what i said to seriously but didn't diluc survived multiple harbingers hunting him, and there a large change that there higher up in the ranks meaning there stronger than childe based on his voice line saying that there number represents there strength. Also i think there a possibility childe was one of them hunting him but im not sure he was a harbinger when diluc did that

  4. He used a delusion?! But doesn't that shorten your life span?? I know some people are probably more resistant to its effects then others but its still concerning.. we don't want the whole family dead and if Mona's line about kaeya says anything then it's that diluc may be the only one left soon 😰


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