Did You Miss These 20 Things In Fontaine Trailer? | Genshin Impact

Did you miss these 20 Things You Missed in Fontaine Trailer For Genshin Impact? OG Video here: https://youtu.be/5vzB-HkP3WM



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Edited by: Bob

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21 thoughts on “Did You Miss These 20 Things In Fontaine Trailer? | Genshin Impact”

  1. Monstadht: Dvalin is good, Monstadht is fucked
    Liyue: I don't really rember what in the quest would do get it fucked
    Inazuma: Vision Hunt Decree continue, Outsiders in Inazuma and Inazuman is fucked
    Sumeru: Irminsul is fucked, TEYVAT is fucked
    Fontiane: No Criminals had left to judge, Sea Level kept rising and TEYVAT is fucked

    Natlan and Snezhnaya: idk

  2. Here’s my random, unfounded theory that’s probably definitely false, but what if Neuvillette is the real archon and Foçalors is like a front or something? There’s been a lot of focus on performances and lies for Fontaine, and the archons aren’t usually so upfront about their identity. Neuvillette also seems to have more power than Foçalors as the Iudex. Also for the rising sea level thing, is it that the sea level is rising or is it that the Fontaine land mass is sinking down towards Teyvat sea level?? Just a thought 🤔

  3. dont worry, im relevtively sure neuvilette will be playable, and in the very small chance that he isn't, i will crying that entire week, I've been saving for him and even decided to skip wriothesley so i could get him, if he does end up not being playable (which most likely wont happen)
    i will be very sad

  4. Fun Fact: The Icewind Suite boss is most likely named after a French ballet named Coppélia which is the story of Dr. Coppelius. He creates a beautiful life-like puppet named Coppélia, and Coppélia catches the eye of Franz, a handsome man who is engaged to a pretty lady named Swanilda. When Swanilda learns of Franz’s crush on Coppélia, she feels betrayed and hurt. However, Swanilda tricks Dr. Coppelius into thinking that Coppélia really came to life. Dr. Coppélia leaves ashamed and Swanilda marries Franz.

  5. I think the reason why Fontaine had the flood was because of the death of the previous archon. Maybe after they died the waters in Fontaine got out of control since they must have been the one who was maintaining the peace of the waters and without anyone to help maintain the waters the flood came and sank all of the ruins that we can see in Fontaine. This is just my guess though.

  6. I think the video missed it or its just me glazing, but they did say that Navia owns a separate security firm, so the reason why Clorinde is fighting Gardemeks is because its the mechs that belong to Navia. Gardemeks at the back doesn't look like they're gonna go for Navia. Tldr, they're not THAT surrounded and some Gardemeks either belong to Navia or get turned to the good side or hacked or maybe given conciousness (since it looks like machine having conciousness is the greatest mystery here.. hmmm..) So yeah looks like some Gardemeks will be our allies

  7. Its raining in the city…. Each archon's power prevent rain from entering their cities. so the fact its raining in fontaine's capital means the archon may have lost her powers at that point in time when the gears stopped or diverting all her power somewhere else. You and cat didn't pick up on that…

  8. okay so since no one else noticed it ill point it out the pendent that nuvillete wears is blue but red on top and its in a water drop shape. the scales of otraice have similar water drops and we know that corruption is red in color for tevyat so does this imply that nuvillete is slowly corrupting ?

  9. 18:54 i think the reason this gives deshret vibes is because it looks a lot like Anubis' scales from Egyptian mythology where Anubis places judgment on the dead which I think is SO COOL to have for the nation of justice

  10. 18:51

    Wait don’t the things on the scale look like divalin’s purified tears from his quest? Maybe because of light and dark (celestial and abyssal) being used in fountain it might be related to the lord because it was corrupted by the abyss and we purified it most likely through celestial powers since traveller wasn’t from teyvat and maybe has an indirect connection to celestia. Idk just a theory lol

  11. I've not really seen it pointed out before (maybe i didn't look enough) but out of the characters we've seen the visions of, freminet and lyney obviously share an alignment but from what I've seen in the trailer it seems like navia and chlorinde have the same alignment as lynette.
    I really hope ousia and pneuma are not just based on gender bc that would be downright lazy and awkward.


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