Community Opinion: Raiden Shogun | Genshin Impact

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32 thoughts on “Community Opinion: Raiden Shogun | Genshin Impact”

  1. I don't get why people judge Raiden just as a "DPS". She is similar to Zhongli (also not DPS). Raiden's kit (already at C0) provides great energy regeneration to the team, very good burst damage and a very unique role for team compositions. That's exactly what Geo-daddy does within his kit, just shielding instead for ER. And of course is C2 a much better Raiden, the same like for others 5*. Constellations, especially for 5*, is just simply "self-made power creeping" and it is funny that people with C6 5* are the first one lamenting about the game being too easy. Well, no sh1t sherlock 🙂 The entire discussion about META damage is also funny as there's no really content out there where META is required at all. Long story short, Raiden at C0 is a great unit and I love her kit being unique in her role.

  2. I still don't really understand her kit, so I just use her to cast Skill, because I do understand coordinated attack and find it super useful with Eula and Qiqi. Raiden is my 5 Star C6 Fischl.

  3. I totally agree with you on this one. She's the first character I C6 on first banner and even at C0 i was destroying everything.

    I do a lot of abyss for people and if they have Raiden Bennett Xingqiu and Xiangling built, it's literally gg 36* go next. She's also an awesome support for eula, childe and so many characters and can act as a main dps with the right supports. And her energy recharge just makes it so you can cycle all your bursts on cooldown everytime.

  4. Raiden is a monster. Running her with Yoimiya and Kokomi makes those 2 infinitely more fun to play as well. Running Yoimiya x Raiden overload team or Kokomi x Raiden Electro charge team is quite a sight to behold.

  5. Without a LOT of investment she isn't good. Regarding her ER I think it's a crazy problematic benefit to take advantage of because the average player doesn't build ER on their individual characters as if Raiden is a permanent team fixture. As such, her ER can be unused surplus. In short she's very unfriendly towards sub AR45 players, but great for spenders. Not a great character in my book overall, defo not for an archon.

  6. Well her C0 dmg is not good enough for me, since I can only hit around 100k with her Burst with Bennet+don't have her weapon, it's unbelievable how she does 3 times more dmg at c3, it's ridiculous. Going to Triple crown hu tao soon as I get her, at least that will make me feel better

  7. C0 Raiden Hyper Team is actually not that bad. C0 Raiden Hyper with C0 Sara is about 5% weaker than Raiden National, C0 Raiden Hyper with C6 Sara is actually way above Raiden National. Even C0 Hyper Raiden with C0 Sara in on par with other 5 Star Carries Team. KQM Theorycrafters already proofs it, CN Theorycrafters already proofs it, even debunk the fact that Raiden National is best team, at C0 Raiden National is only her Mid tier team.

  8. She and Albedo is perma on my team 2 of my Favorite Units After Beido so in all honesty i have 1 slot to move characters around busting around mobs and bosses with Booba Sword is still as enjoyable i still proly gona put some resin into her E and Artifacts maybe Q is crowned and as i said shes on my team since her banner went live.

    Im still pissed about this pissant excuse of a "WORKING AS INTENTED" cuz lazy bums fix everything that is fun and leave every other fking bug and sht in the game to rot cuz fking hell if i know…….

  9. I think anyone who says she's only good because of the Raiden National Team comp are being disingenuous. The fact that she elevated one of the most meta comps in the game is a testament to how good she is as a unit even at C0.

  10. Before her release i wanted her but i thinked that she was in need of her weapon to be a kind of support dps i've got her weapon and by doing some little test with catch and engulfing i've come to realize that she's better than what i was thinking and i stand for the fact that she's one of the most broken character to me as a character that really need Only er to do her role i use her as sub dps support thanks to engulfing and a bunch of good artifact but it's not really needed or so that's what i think

  11. She need full stacks to actually do good damage, I used to think she is not strong but now she is good for the copium artifacts I have on her, however I still think she is not as good as a battery even with 260 Er on her, I struggle to get my burst on characters that have Lowish energy regeneration from their skill even with good amount of Er on them (140-160), these characters are better when pared with their own element battery than when used with Baal. I can only make 1 meta team with Baal which is Baal national this team do get extra damage and more smother rotation to sucrose national team, but in term of battery not so much.

  12. She's the first character that truly has a lot of dmg % multipliers, making buffs much more important for Raiden than it is for most other characters, especially her full synergy with the Emblem set. Whoever she wants to pair with should also have the Emblem set for the buffs it provides in terms of damage %. On top of that Raiden is very easy to build with energy recharge – albeit requiring significant investment for big PP numbers. But energy recharge enables her to give ults at almost a 100% uptime, with an energy recharge weapon. I can pair her with ayaka and eula and face little/no energy issues, only requiring healing to solidify the team composition. I think this says a lot about her capacity as a support, enabling all these high cost bursts without much difficulty. It may be clunky, but you cannot deny how much literal burst damage you can get in a very small timeframe

  13. I always have a blast with Raiden, right now she' s basically the character I use the most together with Kazuha
    Both are very, very fun to use
    I got lucky and got her c1, but I' ll probably try and get c2 too (even tho she' s good enough as she is)
    I don' t like running meta teams, but honestly raiden national is very fun to use
    There are also more personal things that makes me like Raiden even more, but other than that I' d probably give Raiden a 9/10

  14. I felt like before Banner came out she was not a major Unit sell for me outside of the "Archon Status" that I was intially in the camp of "Pull one and be done." But then I saw the constellations and after doing her test run I was like "OMG welp RIP my wallet I need to C3 her" as a mid spender. She now my Permanent Second main behind Keqing, so I have the old Electro Archon in Team 1 and THE electro Archon in Team 2, and I'm enjoying every minute of Gameplay with her!!!!!

  15. before she released people mostly thought she was going to be amazing (not venti/ZL level but the tier below) a high 4/5.

    when she released due to the Raiden beidou interaction people were calling her a bad 2/5 character (for reference 2/5 is underpowered, 3/5 is balanced/ a good pull if your account needs it 4/5 being you have to find reasons not to pull 5/5 being a must pull)

    now that things have calmed down the community's opinion is that she's a solid 4/5 character

    the opinion of the TC is that she's a strong character but not a must pull what you can use in alot of teams, she is also extremely good for casual/mobile players due to her smoothening out your rotations. her main problem is that she extends your rotation making it a dps loss in a team like raiden eula
    they rate her a high 3 low 4 character depending on where your account is

  16. Only problem is negative synergy with Beidou and as a Beidou main I was hurt learning they aren’t compatible. I still use them together but the rotation is a bit different. Her damage is t the strongest but she isn’t made for pure damage,she’s more for utility.


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