Collei For FREE And New FISH BOW In Genshin Impact 3.0 Sumeru Update..

In Genshin Impact 3.0 Version , Collei might be given for Free during the first phase of 3.0 update of Genshin Impact.
Along with that we are getting another free weapon a 4 star bow, which is also in version 3.0 of genshin impact.
Music: Genshin Impact.


20 thoughts on “Collei For FREE And New FISH BOW In Genshin Impact 3.0 Sumeru Update..”

  1. Im not getting over 1800 seashells from the event, how can i get more? I just claimed her costume, but not herself. btw my mona puzzle domain ich pretty bugged too

  2. No.

    yes mihoyo gives us a character in every element but you wont get dendro free character proof?
    you didnt get a free anemo and a geo character because the traveller can use those elements

    the reason you got a free hydro(barbara) a cryo (kaeya) a electro(lisa) and a pyro(amber) is because these regions are gonna take years to be implemented so the traveller cant use these elements and they were forced to give us these free characters

    also last thing really???? fischl is the free electro unit not lisa?? and xiangling is the free one not amber? you even failed to mention cryo

    Edit: and oh yea and collie isnt the only 4* announced i dont like leaking info so ill keep it at that

  3. We get a free character every other patch. Even if they don’t give us Collei next patch because we just got Fischl I’d imagine she will be there the following patch

  4. We got no free anemo or geo character (noelle doesn’t count, though they could add Collei to that banner as a guarantee) because the traveler can use that element so there is a very small possibility of this happening


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