Chiori, Every Character's Opinion about Her | ft. Lynette, Charlotte, | Genshin Impact voice lines

So yeah, it might not be new voice lines, but I feel like this still deserves it’s own video. So here I am presenting you all with every voice lines about Chiori available for now!
Hopefully you all will like it 🙂

ft. Chiori, Lyney, Lynette, Kirara, Charlotte.

Music Credit:
Hoyoverse and Hoyo-mix

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23 thoughts on “Chiori, Every Character's Opinion about Her | ft. Lynette, Charlotte, | Genshin Impact voice lines”

  1. Now we have a boutique i want cosplayers to make clothes like how chiori make them as actually wearable daily clothes in that style thats the only kind of cosplays i want to make but sadly i am broke in both ways

  2. Kirara’s character story 4 is about her and Chiori

    When she first moved to Inazuma City, Kirara would often lie by the roadside, observing the pedestrians passing by.
    "Oh! So this is how human girls dress…" Her wish to join human society made her very conscious of her own outfit, and whether or not it was similar to those around her.
    In the springtime, girls would often pluck a flower to place behind their ear or in their hair… Soon after, a special accessory became quite popular… Then everyone began flocking to some particular style of bracelet…
    Kirara accepted every style without question, imitating every trend as she saw it. She never thought there was anything wrong with what she was doing, just that all those accessories would occasionally restrict her movement and make it hard to climb up and down. It was so different from being a kitten out in the countryside!
    This persisted one day, when she was delivering a package to an old customer named Chiori, and she received a serious dressing down…
    At the time, Kirara had politely knocked on the door before gently pushing her way inside. But she couldn't have known that Chiori would glare at Kirara as though she were a cat that had fallen into a bucket of paints…
    This Inazuman fashion designer who had opened a famous design label in Fontaine was already quite familiar with Kirara, and so she spoke directly—
    "Utter insanity! What did you do on the way here? Fight Specters? What kind of garbage have you covered yourself in? How did that garish flower get stuck in your hair? It's assaulting my eyeballs. Really, the only thing on your entire body with a speck of taste is those shoes…"
    "Um, Chiori, y—you know th—those are just m—my feet…" Kirara managed to stammer nervously.
    Chiori buried her face in her hands, and immediately picked up her scissors and some cloth before pulling Kirara into a changing room.
    "Now don't you misunderstand! It's just that I'd be embarrassed to let anyone see you walking out of my shop looking like THAT!"
    The dressing down became a dressing up, and after the sound of snapping scissors and swift needlework faded to silence, Kirara had the outfit she now wears today.
    From then on, she had a new task when delivering packages: answering client's questions about just where she got that delightful outfit. Thus did the reputation of Chiori's shop spread far and wide.
    "Hmph. I told you my judgment was immaculate." On this delivery run to Fontaine, Kirara found her friend in seemingly much better spirits.
    "Other than the clothing orders, is there anything else?" Inquired Chiori.
    "Yes, there is, it's just that…"
    "Come on, out with it, stop beating around the bush!"
    "The customers are asking… if you, that is, your shop… Can you release a shoe design that looks like a cat's paw pads?"


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