China Puts Pressure On Genshin Impact Hoyoverse/Mihoyo!!! The Movement And Anger Is Working!!!

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30 thoughts on “China Puts Pressure On Genshin Impact Hoyoverse/Mihoyo!!! The Movement And Anger Is Working!!!”

  1. In all honesty while I do want to believe that this movement may have its blessing in the end, something tells me that if the government gets way too involved it may not profit neither the company of Mihoyo neither the players since the game can simply just be shut down entirely without a way back.
    Maybe it's my pessimistic thinking getting in the way, I cannot deny the possibility of this situation going completely haywire where it profits absolutely no one and ends with a short end of the stick. : (

  2. Great video bro, but may I humbly suggest you edit out ALL of your breathing and pausing?

    I can see you editing out a vast majority of it, and it’s so refreshing to seem someone not dragging out the video despite having an editing software.

    But you got that extra bit to cut, and you’re golden. Also try to shorten your outros They hurt watch retention ALOT and the algorithm thrives on retention.

    Good video. Above average quality. Keep up the amazing work. You got potential to rise to the top!

  3. huge win? remember they draft a law recently that would prevent people from getting rewards and daily rewads, imagine if no gacha could give you any rewards now, you are cheering for this lmao.

  4. China need that money 💰 it's normal cause it's there source of income for there military power big company pay taxes to the government and if a Chinese company start to do head line in media it will brought unwanted attention usa hum hum European Union india hum and this country will strat to investigate China source of income and my ban genshin globally and other Chinese game.

  5. Vote 1* on collab brands because stingy Cai Haoyu: not effective
    Vote 1* on other games because stingy Cai haoyu: not effective
    Vote 1* on other unrelated apps because stingy Cai Haoyu: not effective
    Vote 1* on CCP and Xi Ji Pooh because stingy Cai Haoyu: MAXIMUM DAMAGE !!!!

  6. It gets more wild considering it's just one of Mihoyo's games that messed their ratings this much. I mean, I know it's the biggest one but still. Every other of their devs teams are a bunch of responsive darlings, and the Genshin one is where the assholes command.

  7. Lmao nope no one's getting to Hoyoverse. That product functionality and customer service are quite vague tbh.

    Hoyo just needs to state that their product is functioning as "intended" meaning no game breaking bugs, hacks or anything in that nature, and sorry not giving out a free 5* isn't a valid complaint legally, when we accepted the terms and conditions of the game(which most likely 99% of the player base didn't bother to read)

    If I'm not mistaken this report at least on Hoyoverse's part is more on customer services, they are really slow on responding to inquiries and such, but besides that they ain't liable to give out more fates and a 5* character as Hoyo does reserve the right to manage their game however they saw fit.

    But to be honest I haven't read their terms and conditions as well, sometimes it's fun just to come up with random shit on the internet lmao. But hey if that news means anything at all maybe next time Hoyoverse would be forced to give out 6 fates instead of 3 so hope for the best.

  8. So the Chinese govt put pressure on the management of complaints. Product funtionality…aka: bugs and abnormalities in how mechanics perform. Customer care: aka : how fast and well tickets are resolved. Privacy concerns: aka hacking, data leaks, stolen accounts etc. On what planet exactly this has anything remotely any connection with the boycott?

  9. something thats always annoyed me is that when I complain to hoyo via official means, the website keeps breaking down and god who knows if it actually sends. It takes me 5-6mins to type out a complaint because it keeps breaking down. Its so bad.

  10. I think every genshin player who is still attempting to defend genshin by saying "nah its fine" should see this cause this is visible proof that its not and its not just people saying it its the actual government itself.

  11. Not surprised tbh. Deserved.
    I remember like maybe a year ago people were complaining about how their account got hacked but were unable to reach out staff/get a response/etc. When they did get a response, it was asking for some sort of verification. You know what that verification was? "When was the day you got Amber?" Everyone who had lost their account because they didn't know/Remember then told EVERYONE to screenshot your amber to remember the date (supposedly amber was when you had first joined or whatever) just in case something happens.
    Their service is terrible. Weeks to months of no response. Horrible systems. I've seen so many complaints (especially on hoyolab) about how bad their service was.
    And people still defending hoyo. It's so… bizarre and delulu. Can nobody really add 1+1? Bad service in not only customer support but also in game? Still no shield hp. Still no visible buffs. Still didn't really fix geo. Etc. Etc. But they did "fix" buffs by adding a new character (chevruse who gives a visual effect instead of just adding a new system that has emoticons at the bottom of your screen) and ig they did "fix" geo with a new character. That was all sarcasm by the way.
    Hoyos tactics have always been to cover up and not fix. They will never go back to fix the issues. Only "improve" for the future. So tired of this.


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