Hello everyone! Today we’re exploring Dragonspine to build Chongyun and then trying out Kaeyaka! Hope you enjoy! 💙
0:00 Intro
0:57 Farming Chongyun Materials!
4:10 Rolling artifacts and leveling weapons Pt1
11:20 Exploring Dragonspine and Domain Runs!
24:27 Rolling artifacts and leveling weapons Pt2
30:01 Trying out Chongyun and Kaeyaka!
36:43 Outro
#GenshinImpact #Genshin #Hoyoverse #hoyocreators #BluesOnly
Music by HOYO-MiX – Topic !
First also moreBLUES ONLYY
chongyun ❤❤
Perfect timing! was just about to go chest hunting for Baizhu funds and wanted a fun video to watch! Thank as always for your hard work!!
Nice feather too btw! And honestly seeing dragonspine exploration again made me feel both nostalgic and scared, definitely my least favourite place to 100%, so honestly, good job xD
His top 5 artifact sets are : 4pc noblesse, 4pc emblem for support/burst. For more dps 4pc gilded if you can melt his burst, 2pc + 2pc noblesse/blizzard/ em/ atk% / er, then 4pc lava walker for melt.
His weapons are: wolf, beacon, serpent spine, sacrificial, lithic are his top 6. Mailed flower is his best f2p melt
Epic battle against the two ruin guards. 👌👌
if you get ganyu early i will lose my mind
Woo Dragonspine expedition, Artifacts roll are still bad but the feather though -.. 🥳
I'm speechless 😨
"Kaeyaka" 😂 That artifact grind is real
I honestly have respect for you, you got frozen by those mosquitoes and you laughed(16:30), that kind of patience is foreign to me. If I was in your position I would have looked for any mosquito in a 12mile radius and ended them🙃
This is the Cutest series.💙💙💙
Are you pull ganyu…? Since she blue
ur vids make my day <3
Good video! if you want more damage from Kaeyaka though, I'd suggest faruzan instead of yelan! mono cryo is a legit thing (kind of) and having an anemo to shred that resistance is huge!
I just found your channel after someone doing a red only series pointed you out and so I'm glad I can watch you both! I currently have about the same amount as primogems as you but I'm saving for Yoimiya. However I'm at 0 pity after using every last wish for Ayaka. I hope you get Ganyu early with plenty of primogems leftover💙💙💙
Thank you for the video🥰❤️❤️ Good luck with future artifacts and pulls!! Also, with chongyun you can use 4p blizzard but i don't think he can really utilize it fully since he's claymore? So he will just shatter frozen enemies with his N/A. But if you are just gonna use him for E/Q noblesse would be probably better🤔 or maybe 2p/2p🤔❤️
Hey bloo
Another good entry
Although i don't like claymore characters, chongyun is always in the back of my head for his cryo infusion
And low key, dragonspine is one of the most fun places to explore in genshin even with the sheer cold mechanic
And good luck with ganyu pulls
She has been dominating my account for over an year now
Even without shenha
I wish you can get her
"There's nothing in here"
-> gets 200k mora
Oooooh, my sweet booooy, i love him so muuuuuch :3❤❤❤
A bing chilling if you will
When you get Mona you will build her dps?
Popsicle boyyy
Kaeya is a great with ayaka's cryo DPS build and this is out of experience since I got the set for I come before getting her and I lost my 5050 and did not get her and then later I did get her but for a while I used cryo DPS kaeya
4:35 why is sucrose there- am i seeing things? ;0;
Bloo! Are you rolling for ganyu?
tip of the day for using xiangling and sara! if you didnt know, pyronado snapshots all the buffs when its casted. so, when you use saras E or Q, despite the short duration xianling willhave the buff for the whole time the pyronado is going!
i suggest rotating it like that: sara E, xiangling EQ, sara Q
hope that helps!
is it just me or do you seem a bit down at the start if so r u ok?
how is sara blue exactly?
34:46 as a chongyun player this strikes fear into my heart
Good Video as always, keep up this COOL work… (Look what i made there bcs blue cryo cool) baahhahahhahah
exciting to see so many new team comps! kaeyaka lol i wonder who else chongyun and shenhe will turn cryo in future vids
This video was quite relatable, I remember doing this but not being as calm as you, also I love your voice!
I remember on my first account when I got him c6 and decided dps Chongyun with r2 wolf gravestone 😅