CHEVREUSE GUIDE: How to Play, Best Artifact & Weapon Builds, Team Comps | Genshin Impact 4.3

New Pyro 4-star Chevreuse is now playable in Genshin Impact 4.3! Chevreuse specializes in buffing Pyro and Electro characters through the Overload reaction, with an exclusive RES shred effect in teams of ONLY Pyro & Electro units. Learn all about how to play Chevreuse, her constellations, best artifact and weapon builds, team comps, and gameplay tips. #Chevreuse #Hoyocreators #GenshinImpact

Raiden Guide:
4.3 Spiral Abyss Guide:
Yoimiya Guide:

0:00 Chevreuse Build and Gameplay Guide
0:18 Kit & A1 Passive (Differences vs Nilou)
2:08 Talents – NA, Skill, Burst, Passives
5:45 Constellations (C4 and C6 Importance)
8:29 Artifact Build – Support
9:49 Artifact Build – DPS
11:10 Best Weapons
12:12 Team Comp Synergy
15:49 Non Pyro-Electro Teams?

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BG Music
Chevreuse Theme Music EXTENDED – tnbee mix


44 thoughts on “CHEVREUSE GUIDE: How to Play, Best Artifact & Weapon Builds, Team Comps | Genshin Impact 4.3”

  1. Why is no one talking about the fact this actually makes dehya decent now the fact you don’t have to build a billion er oh her when you use raiden. Both have short on field time and dehya’s ult benefits from raiden buff.

  2. Chevreuse is now the best Fontaine 4*, surpassing Charlotte whom I felt had that title.

    I am very glad that in this Fontaine cycle that Hoyoverse is trying to expand the meta rather than powercreep existing meta strategies with new units.

    Chevreuse doesn't make overloaded compositions a top tier strategy but at least makes them more viable. Among current characters, the folks who I feel benefit the most are:

    Yoimiya: Chevreuse teams are probably Yoimiya's best overall now, as overloaded gives her some much needed AOE and the knockback is less of an issue since she is a ranged attack. Most other pyro units (most noticeably Hu Tao) will prefer other reactions, so Chevreuse now gives Yoimiya a nice niche. I would recommend Yoimiya, Chevreuse, Fischl and Beidou for most situations.

    Klee: Her very high Pyro application made her a poor fit for most reactions, but with Chevreuse she doesn't have to be as concerned about that. Klee will really appreciate the resistance shred and damage bonus in Chevreuse teams, and she doesn't have to be the overload trigger to get them. Klee has pretty high raw Pyro damage, so I feel she is the most significantly buffed by Chevreuse's introduction. Biggest issue is that the overload knockback will be a major issue for Klee, since she is a close range fighter.

    Klee and Chevreuse with Bennett and Fischl should be good for bosses and heavy enemies but Yae Miko or Beidou could be swapped in a slot for either more damage or more defense respectfully.

    Raiden Shogo:

    She can go with a hypercarry team with Bennett, Chevreuse, and Sara. However Chevreuse will need to be at C6 (in which she is about equal to Kazuha on such a team). C5 or lower would make her a downgrade.

    I don't think other characters at this time will see much benefit.

    For future characters, hopefully Chlorinde (whom I am assuming will be a electro sword 5* main dps) will be the ultimate overload user and really make Chevreuse look good!

  3. Neuvilette is voiced by the same VA that voices Alphen from Tales of Arise. I was joking how funny it would be to have the Shionne VA in Genshin too…

    …well. I have to play both in the same team now…even if its dump. I can only hear Shionne speaking when Chevreuse talks.

  4. Venti, fischl, bennet, my preferred overload team. I often use jean as the 4th for some extra sunfire pyro, venti''s ult absolutely negates the main drawback of overload, the knockback spreading out of mobs. also because overload does a small aoe, when enemies are in venti's swirl they each damage each other when it procs.

  5. So, I’m confused around 6:57. You mention that the healing timer is refreshed every time she used the hold version of the skill? I thought she only gets the healing from the tap version.

  6. It's funny how much she loves fried food and novels. All I did was stand in front of the newspaper stand in Fontaine with 3 familiar character to her (one slot free for her), ate a Fish and Chips, said I have more and she came in the first 10 pull.

  7. ARLECCHINO! CLORINDE! How could I ForGet!
    I was scrapping my mind for other teams i could slot Chevy in, nearly forgetting there's 2 more units i'm going to get regardless that might work.
    Love the guide. Showing off that she can still buff teams outside of her A1 Passive that are Electro / Pyro.


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