Characters that I will NEVER Pull for | Genshin Impact

Genshin has many great characters, but some them I will never pull for.
Here’s who and why…

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17 thoughts on “Characters that I will NEVER Pull for | Genshin Impact”

  1. I can agree with you on Klee. As a five star, she doesnt stand out among the other pyro 5 stars, which all have something else going for them. But Klee…100% pyro uptime because of catalyst? You can get that benefit from Yan Fei, who is much more accessible as a four star. As far as four stars, I kinda feel the same about Dori.

  2. Same except for Venti and Wriothesley. Wriothesley is one of the Itto-tier characters. Like great on-field carry but not really META because, on-field carry. But what I like about Wriothesley is that he's fun to play unlike Ayaka and Ganyu. I feel like if I have to play a Cryo unit I'd pick Wriothesley every time just because he actually looks fun to play and doesn't have the personality of a cardboard like the other two does.

  3. For me characters aren’t worth wasting gems are:
    Venti and kazowa – I already got C6 Sucrose my favorite and don’t want to pull someone slightly better just for abyss, also xiao he’s not great for mobile players like me.
    hoe Tao, and child- don’t like them and they are the most complicated to use.
    Albedo and itto – i honestly regret skipping albedo for zhongli cause I didn’t realize how long they will delay him.
    Ayato and maybe judge boy and warden – too many hydro to build plus I already got Furina, also not interested on new cryo with ayako not finished, as well Ganyu and Shenhe being more than enough for support.
    maybe Baizu, alhaitham and cyno – not sure I want another dendro DPS and I got plenty of healers or shields, and cyno is just xiao but with razor burst so not unique enough.

  4. Yeah, Hu tao is on the non pull list for me too. Don't love her as a character, don't like that you gotta animation cancel with her or have to pull for constellations to comfortably play her.
    Nilous probably too. Also not a fan of her character and not huge on bloom teams.
    Eula because physical. Ganyu because incredibly long charge times (I have Tighnari so I'm kinda used to the instant charges)

    Shenhe probably? But that's not her fault. I just also don't see myself getting Ayaka anytime soon, so Shenhe would just be collecting dust because I don't really have any use for her bc she's so niche. 🙁 Maybe Shenhe is back on the table when I decide whether or not I want Wriothesley.

  5. Hmmm, I've got some of the characters that I don't think I'll ever pull for them
    Xiao – I find his pogo stick-like gameplay a bit annoying
    Tartaglia – He's strong, too bad he's locked in the International archetype (which I don't like cause I don't enjoy Xiangling's gameplay cause she's too energy hungry and her skill is dogshit)
    Raiden Shogun – Her gameplay is good, I just don't like the character and became less of a fan after how they attempted to make Ei innocent Inazuma's archon quest.
    Lyney – He's also strong, I just don't like that monopyro is locked to Bennet and Xiangling (which again, not my cup of tea)
    Itto – He's not bad, but my luck in Genshin is kinda bad and in order to make his team I need not only him, but also Albedo and some cons on Gorou.

  6. It's tragic how many people hyper focused on getting Hu Tao because of theory crafters. Can she do super high damage? Yes. Just get staff of Homa, c1, and use a specific melt/vape team.
    I dont regret pulling her, just that that players should temper their expectations and not get disappointed when they aren't getting the numbers a content creator is getting

  7. Ones I'll never pull for:
    Yae Miko
    Hu Tao
    Didn't pull on Tighnari

    Characters I regret pulling:

    All for one of three reasons or mix of reasons:
    Don't like using bow Characters
    Their combat animations don't mix well with my epilepsy
    Don't like the character enough

  8. I will never pull for :
    – Hu Tao cause her playstyle is boring as hell to me.
    – Ayato cause i dont need him and he isnt that interesting to me

    – Klee cause i dont like her playstyle
    – Itto and Albedo cause i have no use for them and i dont like their playstyle. And Geo is boring to me, same reason im skipping Navia.
    – Kokomi cause I aalready have Baizhu/Kuki and they do a much better job for the teams i need them in.
    – Yoimiya cause her playstyle is not to my liking

    Characters I regret are:
    – Ayaka ( hate her playstyle)
    – Eula (kinda regret bcs i dont use her much anymore)

  9. Your list is litterally my list 😅 couldn't fault it! Iv mained Shenhe and she was my first 5* character (apart from jean) and honestly havent needed any others my team is shenhe, ganyu, miko and jean but to be honest they the other charcaters in ghensin do not inteteat me apart from maybe Navia/Qeching


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