Characters that I regret pulling for in Genshin Impact In need of a brand-new post-apocalyptic sci-fi strategy card RPG ? Then download Echocalypse: The Scarlet Covenant NOW for mobile & PC and uncover the truth behind an epic story! Don’t forget to use my gift code viptenha

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24 thoughts on “Characters that I regret pulling for in Genshin Impact”

  1. Luckily all my regrets are on my alt account but even there, I regret Ganyu and Yoimiya. I don't have Zhongli so Ganyu feels miserable to me and Yoimiya is just underwhelming to me, her burst feels useless, her animations are so bland for a character all about fireworks too, where are the fireworks? I wanted her to feel like Jubilee from X-Men with colorful explosions everywhere and she's just, barely a sparkler to me.

  2. I don't regret any character. I always pull characters I love and enjoy them. If I have to say someone, it should be Kazuha and Zhongli. I never use them for a long time. But they are people call "meta" so it's fine.

  3. You should regret your entire life you've spent thousands of dollars to c6 characters in a game that's already stupid easy and has no content. I mean I get that you're absolutely trash at it so you need the help, but still

  4. This seems more like a “I don’t use them anymore bc I whale so much” video than a regret pulling. To truly regret pulling someone is saying you are totally fine with losing all the fun you had when you first got them and while building them bc you actually don’t like them, this is just a whale having too many toys to properly enjoy them all, and now they just look like dollar signs collecting dust. See me, I regret pulling cyno, Im not satisfied with his performance and play style compared to most of my other units, and I never enjoyed him when I got him, if I could go back in time and change pulling for him and just saving the primos I would bc there’s nothing I’d miss other than being excited about first getting him. But when OG’s say the regret ganyu bro you’re just bored of her, many new players like me who just got her are still enjoying her because it’s new to us, some characters are enjoyed longer than other but many of you wouldn’t not actually go back and not pull for her if you had the chance, because back then who else would you use? lol.

  5. In my case, I have to say I regret getting Yae. Having to spam her E´s three times and then do it again after using her burst… Plus I have always felt her damage is kinda low. I know she's good and I like her design but I never felt really comfortable using her on rotations

  6. I regret pulling or characters that are purely dps who has no other utilities outside of that. like Yoimiya vs Wanderer, wanderer is useful in open world activities and anemo can have VV and such, while yoimiya is only dps then throw away after getting bored. i'd still pull for purely dps characters as long as i like them a lot but from now on i think i wont pull dps just to be a bit stronger and have them power crept later on. 😀


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