In today’s video I talk about the best mainstats and substats to use on Cyno. With Cyno’s kit, there is a lot of confusion as to what would be the “best” mainstats to use, so I cover that in this video. I try to make helpful and entertaining content for people to enjoy. If you wanna support the channel follow my socials and consider subscribing, I’d love to have you.
-Tik Tok: bobblehead5
What mainstats are you going to be using on your Candace? I can see my self doing somewhat of a hybrid build. Also, would you pull for Candace if she was on Cyno's banner?
I have been farming almost done…well what i can farm now anyways…
Speaking of her teams could you make a vid about team comps for the new characters like Candace, please.
I’m gonna go full hp on her with Crit Er and Em substat
Do you think she will be good with Yelan? Since they are both HP damage
Thanks for this. Currently I will do Hp, Hydro, Hp with hp, crit and ER/EM as substat. Trying to keep Atk and Def as war as possible. Still not sure about what polearm i will use but I do have a black tassle prepared. I think I will try out different polearms once she is out to see what I like most. very exited for her hope i can get at least c4
whats the best set for main dps candance
How well do you think it would be Candace + ayato? With a full hp build do you think the buff on ayato will be very good?
Cryo Zhongli, Chongyun, Shenhe and Candace for the meme team
Can Hardly wait for news on Kusanali, definitely getting her on my dolphin account!