Can I get my first 36* Spiral Abyss?! | Genshin Impact!

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24 thoughts on “Can I get my first 36* Spiral Abyss?! | Genshin Impact!”

  1. It's 100% understandable you didn't finish the spiral abuse lol, the chat was already surprised with how hard you were trying (the determination was admirable xD). Don't worry, you'll get it next time. Thank you, take care and have a nice nap!

  2. as someone who watches your stream since your early days in genshin, my honest opinion on your attempt can be a bit objective.

    first of all, im fully aware that your gameplay on your streams and videos are mainly focused on explorations and story quests thats why it never bothered me that your characters are not fully optimized for end game content. And I was even impressed that you defeated floor 12 in the past using casual builds.

    however beating floor 12 and beating the abyss 36 stars are two different things. Completing the abyss with 36 stars is the very end game content in genshin right now and for f2p players, this actually requires a lot of character building of the limited characters you have and a lot of practice and trial and errors to the teams you choose which means yes, takes a lot of time in the beginning which is the opposite of casual gaming. But this however is the reason why it is the endgame content and if 36 stars can be done with casual/ for fun builds then whales or low spenders dont need to spend money in this game anymore to c6 or pull for weapons if its that easy. Ive been watching your streams for a long time and while dealing 4-5k dmg per skill on exploration is okay (excluding your rosaria), the dmg is unfortunately not enough to achieve 36 stars in my opinion.

    my tips however if you are still going to attempt it is atleast increase the talent levels of your abyss lineup to atleast 8 and try to get proper artifacts that ateast have the proper main stats equiped. Doing so should atleast make things easier than what happened on stream. Practicing the rotations as well should help but I know you play things casually so this might be a hard one to do but it feels like a needed requirement in finishing endgame content. there is nothing wrong in choosing the characters you want in the abyss as i believe any character can be used and succeed if played correctly.

    thats all I can say as a long time viewer of yours and its still fun to see you attempt it, its just end game content is a whole different world of gameplay in genshin compared to casually exploring the game's story and to be honest your gameplay is fine as atleast you wont experience any burnout in this game beating everything in the game and had nothing to do afterwards anyway until a new event drops.

  3. I know you play casual and don’t like to use meta teams . But need to consider for abysm some Meta builds . In your case , Baalnational, Original National version or the one with Sucrose are the obvious ones .

    You have also Childe , with options for Fireworks and International . Maybe Fireworks or a variant is more closer to your play style . As you like Beidou, Sucrose . And Diona is a great healer and shields.

    Ayaka and Rosalia are great team friends . Add any Hydro and a healer and you’re good to go . You can even consider Barbara ( yep the one considered a healer joke ) . But Kokomi is the best choice here . Jean or other Anemo are nice for 4th slot .

    If somehow you want to play Xiao on Abyss. He can be teamed with Sucrose / Jean , Bennett and Diona / Zhongli.

  4. Don't worry, Abra. You were very close on floor 11, and while this floor 12 was easier for some, it was also more punishing in terms of what characters were good in it.

    I'm sure that if you gave more recharge to your Xiangling, gave her a favonius lance and maybe gave the fish to your Beidou, you would demolish the abyss in the next cycle.

    I was also going to give some team suggestions which might work, but seeing how frustrated you were, I decided otherwise.

    Do reply to me if you would like me to give you some recommendations on what you could run. I'll come see you on twitch whenever you're doing it again.

  5. I know you want to use everyone but for the abyss try to select 8 really good characters who have synergy together and try to build them. Like it's gonna take maybe months to get them.(I know that's what you're trying to do but with rosi as your main dps I think you're making it difficult for yourself.. ) Also try to pull for zhongli whenever he comes back. He will make things a lot easier. And I know you don't like using xiao that much (maybe it's his play style or the way he sounds btw his jp VA is absolutely amazing and not edgy at all) but he has the most potential alongside with raiden and ayaka in terms of damage.(that's just my opinion, I'm not trying to make you or anyone to play with the characters I want them/you to play.)

  6. it was kinda sad seeing so many people in chat just ignoring the rules, well regardless it was a fun time watching this stream, abra shouldnt sweat too much about getting 36 stars, just clearing floor 12 is already good enough!

  7. if i can give some short advice to help you do better in abyss it would be to practice better rotations and to try to optimize your artifacts a bit more, good team building with proper gear is everything in abyss, it doesnt really matter which characters you use as long as it's a proper team that you've invested practice and resources into.

    Besides that there's a ton of really good channels out there that makes good and really easy guides to improve your teams for abyss, my recommendations would be to check out sevyplays, braxophone, and zy0x

  8. Raiden national is one of the strongest teams in the game and it has different variants. Maybe try and look into building your Raiden national team? You have right characters for it. But anyway good luck next time, i'm sure you'll get it soon ♥

  9. This is why I don't want more endgame content or want genshin to become really grindy. It stresses ppl out a lot or triggers burnout more quickly. Ive been a somewhat competitive player for fps and i knwo how it sucks that u cant do smthin just becuz ur not upto par. And genshin especially since its based on stats, smthin u hv really low control over. My itto has 60-120 crit ratio and in the abyss i used his burst and for the entire duration it did not crit. Its punishing. This was the first time i did the abyss and managed to get 30 stars on the first run and then after some managed to get 34 (maguu kenki and the perpetual mechanical array r too tanky). I think the biggest factor was i had broken characters (eula, kazuha, hu tao etc.). But trust mw when i say u can definitely do better with better character builds. I practically have all of my characters i use for the abyss at lvl 90, talents lvl 9 and artifacts lvl 20. But i do suggest taking a break and not doing it for now. Maybe even wait for the next cycle. Its not healthy to keep doing this if its not fun when a game IS meant to be fun. Leave it, dont think abt genshin or the abyss for awhile, or u WILL get burnt out. Dont worry abt completing it becuz ur a cc and a streamer. Ignore those toxic ones the ones that r here completely understand the frustration and that not every one is a whale (im f2p too). Its fine really to take a lil break and come back when uve recharged 🙂

  10. I hate spiral abyss. I suck at dps tests.
    But you inspired me to at least give it a couple tries, and I just completed the darn thing for the first time. 32 stars in the end because floor 12 is just silly 🤣😅

  11. I had not watched the full video until now . I notice you complaining of the need for “ faster attacks “ . What you really means is you have the need for more ER stats .

    Childe usually doesn’t need much . About 120 -130 % is ok.

    Bennett needs around 170-180 % ER on most teams .

    Xiangling is more ER hungry . She needs at least 180% and about 200% is optimal.

    Raiden is the most ER dependent character. She uses it to increase her attack plus aids her E and Q . In your case , as you don’t have her signature weapon . You need to get between 200 and 220% .

    When you decide to built Xingqiu. He also needs ER around 180% . His best weapon is Sacrifice . With as many refines you can get .

    Sucrose and Beidou do benefit of ER close to 180% . But if you use Sacrifice book on Sucrose you probably are covered . Beidou maybe requires an ER artifact.

    Most probably your Rosalia ER is covered . She can work with little as 130 – 140 depending on the team . Ayaka and Venti requires similar numbers on most of their team combinations. Kokomi would like around 150 % .

    Xiangling works better with a ER main stat spear as Favonius, the Catch or Skyward.

    Best F2P weapon and second overall for Raiden is The Catch .

    Benny boy benefits of the highest base attack sword you can get . Plus an ER main stat artifact,

  12. I mean watching someone struggle in the abyss is still more entertaining than watching someone picking up sweet flowers and mints for 2 hours while talking about the weather in Wisconsin or something.

  13. Btw Abra depending on how you use her, the other electro set (thundersoother I believe it was called) is really good for Keqing as well, granted if you get the 4 piece set bonus. Don't worry about not being able to 36* this rotation, this is the first rotation that I was able to do it. I've been at it for a while now and I've been able to get better a little by little every time. So if it's as you said and you can feel like you are getting better every rotation, don't worry one day you'll be able got get it with no problem. Also you should 100% build and level your Xingqiu. He's one of the best supports in the game, because he can work in freeze comps with a dps like Ayaka or Rosaria, in reverse vaporize comps with Diluc and Hu Tao, or even in electro comps with Keqing and Raiden. The best thing about him as well is the fact that all of his damage is done off field with his burst, he provides dmg reduction, some healing, fast hydro application and if you have sacrificial sword he can have 100% energy all of the time. Like if you had him in a good shape and swapped Childe for him, the potential in your rotations would have been so much better!

  14. Hey abra! Just wanted to say that thought you did pretty nicely with what you had and with some slightly improved builds im sure you get that 36 star, i believe in you!! Just take it easy for now and remember to rehydrate after all that sweating


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