My friend Kelly abandoned her Genshin account and doesn’t log in to farm artifacts every day. I need to figure out where to even begin to fix things…
I will be occasionally streaming non-genshin stuffs on my Twitch!
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#fixmyfriend #genshin #genshinimpact #hoyocreators
That Ganyu gonna give me nightmares…
I would really enjoy if u started making more content like this
I still remember my early days when I built full HP Jean because surely a healer scales of HP right??
her builds lookin just like mine
That is 100% an account in the hit game genshin impact, created by HoYoverse, before known as MiHoyo.
I like these fixing videos because in indirectly helps others of us 😛
I can see some nice teams there: Ayaka freeze, Ganyu melt and Keqing aggravate/spread. R5 Black Tassel on Yaoyao could be fine, if you have some battery in the team, like Fischl. 🙂
Watching someone grind for genshin makes me want to grind too
Say hello to Kelly from us!! It’s so nice that you’re taking care of her account and the content of it is really enjoyable!! Thanks for uploading today Sol! My day was rough and watching the video helped my mood!! ❤
i think this is a wholesome content.
Are you saying im not a normal genshin player because i play every day for…. 10-14 hours 😭👍 (in the intro)
is this going to become a series? I’d love that 🙂
More of these account fixing pls. For newer players it helps to learn and understand how to make our accounts better 😊
I would love watching this bcs I have had a similar "problem" once before : DD
For the ayaka team build ganyu as a support char, slap a 4pc nobless on her and call it a day, her passive gives the team cryo dmg bonus too so shes really good on freeze teams.
;i see now you adressed this build later lol
Why give kazuha sac instead of one of the iron stings?
Edit: oops, kept watching lmao
i will just say ar56 best cryo goblet 6.6cr thsts it
You was waffling on a lot but i was strangely hooked and watched the whole thing and enjoyed it. Good job.
Get the inazuma craftable sword for her ayaka, the woman deserve ir
I loved this video… as usual. ( even tho I’m late to watch it) Lol
It weird to describe your content as wholesome but that’s what I feel lol. Not in a cutesy way but in a genuine way.
This is will be a nice series to add to the channel, tell Kelly we say hello 👋. You’ll be working on even more accounts now so remember to get rest and enjoy life…. You know touch some grass every now and then /j
Thanks for the great content and fun livestreams. Keep it up sol
P.s I think you can raise the bg music just a little, 😊
I’m at 58 on my main, with a lot of built characters, and I think I know how to play this game…. But then I open my alt account and see all these random level 40 characters no weapons, no artifacts and it like I’m a new player all over again and have no clue where to start.😂😂 so glad you can do the fussy part of Genshin for your friend… so she can do the parts that she likes 😄
imo the best comps are
Ayaka – XQ – Kazuha – Ganyu/Diona/Rosaria
but Ganyu shouldn't really be a supportive build, her playstyle would be moreso use burst and swap into her to do some CAs while abilities are on cooldown, her damage contribution is too significant to gear her as pure support. if anything, Xingqiu is the better 4 Noblesse user here. Diona and Rosaria are both great batteries, Diona I recommend if you can't survive with just Xingqiu's defensive utility, and Rosaria imo is worse dmg and buff-wise than Ganyu but generates more particles.
As well as Keqing – Fischl – Yaoyao – Sucrose.
I'm sure you know how to gear them all. You're my favourite CC game knowledge-wise.
I also appreciate how unlike some other CCs, you aren't upset at a casual/exploration player's "mid" / "bad" artifacts, your standards for the account are very healthy.
i luv this kinds of videos thanks for this content :333 gl helping kelly
15:25 LMAO I have above 100000 coins 😭👍
A yes i remember having full glad set ning
Youre my fav. youtuber and every time you post a video my day is better then ever!! Love you sm and hope youll hit 20k subscribers in no time 😀 (you deserve it)
I think resin efficiency would be to farm universal domains like emblem and then using the fodder for the strongbox for viri and other sets
It would takes forever to get the best of each artifact pieces. I'm in deeply discouragement because they never give me a good one for only just one single character. Just because I don't want to wasting the real money for only just Resins to grinding artifacts
Ayaka circlet …….
I’m pretty sure that Ganyu’s e scales off ho
This could make for an interesting series
Hello Soluna, good day! We really enjoy your videos on YouTube and we would like to reach a cooperation with you, I’ll send you an email later, looking forward to your reply and our cooperation!
i remember my raiden had a 4 star hp piece 😭
Seems like Kelly, just like a lot of players here, doesn't give a shit about building characters😂
But hey, she is providing content for your channel.