Can I C6 Ganyu with 800 wishes?? Enjoy my Genshin Impact summons and find out!!
I’m an official Genshin Impact Partner and I stream over on Twitch, so feel free to stop by and witness the madness!
Edited by TurtlMunk:
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This might have been the best luck I’ve ever had seriously….I hope you enjoyed the video!
Does being in a specific location in game actually help? I'm so unlucky I'm actually gonna try this
I got guaranteed C1, Then 50/50 C2, couldn’t believe my luck, Then lost to R2 Aquila Favonia, got R3 Moonglow, then I couldn’t believe my luck back to back 5* R4 Amos ! 😮😅
I wouldn't imagine having 800 wish. I finally gotten my Kokomi after losing 50/50 on Zhongli rerun and I went ballistic. I spend the most of the free primogems in Sumeru 3.0 and still lose him. Lucky Kokomi is here.
Wish I could have 800 wishs 😢
I’m claiming this good luck for when Polar Star bow comes back
0:37 The archon meeting
I have c0 ganyu but I was so happy you pulling her c6..
I thought u are for urself
This was just embarrassing dude
If u just do math u can simply tell that hes going to get atleast 5 guaranteed ganyus
i wish i could get ganyu…. i lost the 50/50 as a f2p ._.
I did my math here, it cost 10 THOUSANDS DOLLARS ! ! !
I'm a f2p and lost the 50/50 and got Diluc
i honestly dont understand this pity2 thingy and 50/50 lol
I spent 400$ and only got 1 kokomi and like 50 doris and xingqius
i dont even have c0 ganyu and people are over here c6 then like its nothing? istg
He won five 50/50 and I am here and I have won zero 50/50
Some people have so much money deym! The game is so easy that you can definitely finish the Abyss 12 with C0 characters but congratulations. That luck on 50/50 is something
we win 50/50 here motherfldbgsisjbdhidnfiskejeibrhei🤣🤣
I hope i can wish like that sometimes 😥
F2P for 2 years and still counting 😥
is it me or everyone is p2w poor me takes me too long to get 1 wish 😀 but still having fun can anyone explain to me how everyone has golden 5 stars artifacts also im ar 28 is my ar the problem or ?