Can Hoyoverse Really Remove Resin For Genshin Impact?

We’ve all heard of discussions centered around Resin & one that often comes up is that Hoyoverse should just remove the resin system. I want to go more in depth in regards to this topic



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23 thoughts on “Can Hoyoverse Really Remove Resin For Genshin Impact?”

  1. Hoyoverse has truly dug their own graves with this resin system – I do think it makes sense for it to exist due to their chosen (wack af) business model, but when you compare the number of artifact domains and bosses now to the number of domains and bosses upon first release, it no longer makes sense for the resin system not to evolve. If doing away with the system entirely is not an option, other things can be improved and changed.

    I fully agree that weekly bosses should be resin free or at least cheaper (40 each max) given that more bosses will continue to be released. Also, they really should at a bare minimum let us choose which set to farm – as someone who unfortunately rushed to the end game, I recently finished cycling through EoSF, BS/HoD, and VV, and now I have to go back through all of them to improve my builds and subsequently my abyss performance. It's just annoying that I'm reaching a point where it's not even worth pulling for new characters because it's taking so damn long to build the ones I do have (32 out of 46, but only focusing on around 10)

  2. We play cuz we're afraid of missing out not cuz we want to play, What kinda game punishes you for skipping a couple of days?. I'm done calling this a good game, it's a bad game that i genuinely wouldn't recommend to anyone anymore, the story is mediocre despite the large world development, the combat is amazingly designed but not utilized, cuz even abyss 12 is just an artifact check with minimal skill requirements, the resin as you mentioned is a safety net for Hoyoverse to keep players there, the only real content is characters which would be fine if it wasn't locked behind questionable gacha mechanic, absolutely terrible rng layers with artifacts, and I would be willing to forgive all that should the developer listen and communicate with their player base, we all know how that goes.

    Overall this is a visually appealing game for the first 2 months that later turn into a chore. Genshin Impact is a bad game.

  3. from some of the comments i've seen here (and my original idea), i have a possible resin system change (for artifacts) and also some minor overall resin changes, which some may relate to artifact RNG;

    * The artifact domains should be resin-free as the rest of the resin-costly content (beside weekly bosses, which also should be resin-free) can stay the same. The reason for this is because there are so much RNG walls that modifying or even taking out one of the RNG mechanics will not be enough and it's been apparent since there are a plethora of videos with genshin impact YouTubers spending 4 digits worth of resin and only receiving less than 10 above average pieces (which can turn into absolute garbage as early as +8 to +20), thus I never mentioned the possibility of directly modifying the percentage change of the main stats as it wouldn't solve the problem. Also, just to let others know, artifacts are arguably the most essential runes of progression (not insinuating that talent materials and weapon materials aren't) that saying "oH getTing CopiUM ARTiFACtS iS FInE" does not justify our state of endgame, especially when reaching ar 60 at some point will only give us 1 more per adventure rank experience and it enhances our enjoyment with the characters that we play.

    * The resin recharge should decrease from 8 minutes to 4 minutes
    * The substat upgrade affixes should be maximum (crit rate: 3.9 and crit dmg: 7.8) 100% of the time bc it's beyond painful when you get a godly piece and the stats you want gets upgraded will obtain minimum or medium rolls 75% of the time, which does not justify the amount of resin each player spends (even whales)

    [and this is all without mentioning the idea of removing the resin system as a whole as i completely understand that the resin system is necessary to halt progress, but materials that are too heavily RNG-dependent and have a low chance to obtain in the 1st place just makes the experience painful. plus, the FOMO effect would still exist as artifacts and weekly boss materials cannot be obtained through events and even though i've been mentioning that artifacts are one of the most essential resources for each character's progression, the talent materials, world bosses, and the leylines still have major importance and they would still require resin]

    signed by,
    a copium GI player who just wants the game to be better🤡

  4. Even if they remove the resin system for artifact farming I still think people will play the game every day and enjoy the game I think players genuinely love this game and wish they could spend more time with it and I think a lot of people especially FTP players would be able to get better artifacts and I think they would continuously farm I don’t think they would stop playing the game because we always get new characters we have to farm for. I wish I could spend 10 hours farming In a certain domain to get really cracked pieces for all of my units

  5. The only time the resin system will be taken out of the game is when Genshin Impacts desktop/console overtakes the mobile players of the game. Time gated methods are heavily designed for a mobile lifestyle…just like Candy Crush was back then. And unfortunately 80% of GIs player base are mobile gamers and that looks like it's not going to cha ge anytime soon

  6. For me this is sad this is my favorite game but I no longer long in to play cuz thers nothing to do I leveled up all my characters to 80 thers no need to get them to 90 cuz the game is to easy thers no endgame content to do I don’t even do my resin cuz I no I won’t get anything that’s worth for me if they got ride of resin add artifact loadouts and at least add a endless spiral abyss mode then I have a reason to get on I can grind endlessly for god roll artifacts, I can grind for multiple build sets per character, and see how far I can go through the endless mode of SA I don’t care about new characters I’m no longer pulling for them unless it’s a archon not going to lie the only thing that would get me to log in is if they added more story or a region and I’m honestly really upset cuz this is my favorite game but I just don’t have a reason to play

  7. Resin being removed would make this game much better. With the horrendous RNG for artifacts requiring (2000-4000+ resin) needed to obtain decent to good artifacts is not player friendly at all. Domains, Talents, Ascension bosses, Weakly bosses, Mora and Exp book Leylines, and artifacts just to build a character. Hoyoverse thinks that we just want to spend 200 USD get a character, then 400 USD plus to get a limited weapon and spend months (1 resin per 8 minutes a 160 resin cap), just to level a character and get decent artifacts to have a playable character with your current world level. This will detract players and long time players will eventually leave because 30 mins to 1 hour of playtime isnt worth spending 200-thousands of dollars and for the whales, there will be a point where spending all this money for miniscule returns isnt worth it. I really hope that ZZZ wont follow the direction of GI and its crappy resin, RNG, slapped together events, but a leason learned and a substantial improvement,.

  8. It reminds of a video of a genshin content creator that had access to the media server and basically had unlimited resin refill and spent thousands of resins on artifact runs and still got nothing good.

    Artifacts having multiple layers of rng is the problem not the resins itself

  9. I haven't needed resin since 2021, tbh resin is already quite spare so thats not the main issue with this game, the main issue with this game is the lack of coop content and replayability. I am not a whale btw xD

  10. Resin isnt even the biggest problem, theres so SO many other problems with this game on every level, if everything was handled better than resin wouldnt even a problem cause the game would be able to actually carry itself

  11. at this point everything just feels like a chore. The resin system just kills the game for me. Ive stopped using my resign daily all together cuz its just not fun and feels like idk a chore. Imagine if they removed resin and the day specific grind and just letting you fo what you want whenever you want…

  12. At the bare minimum hoyoverse should remove atleast 1 layer of RNG for Artifacts by letting us use mora to change the sub stats of gear and increase the refresh time on resin and increase the cap of resin when a new region comes out right now I would think we should be at a 250 cap right now or atleast lower the cost of boss fights to like 20.


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