FUNerational ~
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Nimble as Lightning
Yelan: Shadow in the Rain – Remix Cover (Genshin Impact)
Remix by Vetrom
Timestamp :
00:00 – Floor 12-1-1
00:47 – Floor 12-1-2
01:40 – Floor 12-2-1
02:25 – Floor 12-2-2
03:18 – Floor 12-3-1
03:50 – Floor 12-3-2
04:22 – Builds Team Keqing Aggravate
05:49 – Builds Team Hutao Funerational
#GenshinImpact #keqing #hutao #SpiralAbyss #原神
Funerational hehe
In 1 minute… OMFG!!!
Honourable mention
ayeee funerational
Raiden hypercarry and hutao double hydro plsssss
funerational can one cycle every boss in the game that isnt locked by mechanics.
Insane Kequing 💥
67/250? so 300 with homa? tf
Can you do xingqiu-yelan-mona-hutao?please 🥺
That triangle thing got wrecked🤩🤩🤩🔥🔥🔥🔥
how did the triangle not even go invisible once?
One rotation futuristic dorito…. Hollymolly! 🤯
Can you play Yoimiya Funerational ?
Now I want to build my purple cat lady👀
That Hutao damage is insane and she doesn't even have Homa. Never realized that Lithic is so strong on her considering that it gives atk% and no hp at all lol.
im not really understanding. Who needs the elemental mastery for the aggrivate team. And why do they all have 100+ em
Bruh,I need to change some of my artifacts
That poor matrix didn't even get a chance to hide
if keqing is not a standard character, her team will be a new national team
That keqing circlet is a blessing damn when will i ever get something like that for my keqing
How can your hutao hit 100k per ca? Ive got my hutao at 287.5% and i never hit it
just wanted to flex (and vent) my c3 keqing. never using her and i rlly hope her cons dont go up