C0 Emilie Burning & C0 Nilou Bloom | Spiral Abyss 4.8 | Genshin Impact

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OMR Odyssey

0:00 12-1-1
1:22 12-1-2
2:56 12-2-1
3:55 12-2-2
5:01 12-3-1
6:11 12-3-2
7:23 Builds Team Emilie Burning
9:30 Builds Team Nilou Bloom

#genshinimpact #emilie #nilou #kirara #spiralabyss #原神


22 thoughts on “C0 Emilie Burning & C0 Nilou Bloom | Spiral Abyss 4.8 | Genshin Impact”

  1. Been loving Emilie burn
    Gonna use her with Yoimiya, so emilie + Xiang brings the AOE and yoimiya can just zero in with single target dmg, get the best of both worlds.
    I think she's a little lacklustre in single target performances, so a ST main dps while she does full dmg is brilliant.
    I really hope we get a dedicated Burn specialised Pyro (or another element like Reverse Melt Cryo) in the future. They will go brilliantly with this team for sure!

  2. It was great i have benn watching your videoes since 4 months and I think have watched all characters video who I have and I like this melody which always played in build section can you tell me the name and
    If you read thanks for videos it really helped me a lot

  3. Is there much difference between Unfinished reverie and Deepwood memories? I have a good deepwood set for her now (cause I’m farming for alhaitham), should i farming for her signature artifact?

  4. Burning is probably the least "feels good" reaction for me but I still enjoy seeing you play, especially when paired with Emilie's beautiful animations.
    Thank you for the run!


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