First time using Dehya, still trying to figure out about her play style and kit
might be better to onfield dehya if shes standing inside Bennet C6 burst
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Cyno: Counsel of Condemnation (Order of Silence)
Remix by Vetrom
Dehya: Fiery Lioness – Remix Cover
Remix by Vetrom
Charge! Fearless Warriors
by Yu-Peng Chen
Timestamp :
Floor 12-1-1 – 00:00
Floor 12-1-2 – 01:33
Floor 12-2-1 – 02:53
Floor 12-2-2 – 04:50
Floor 12-3-1 – 05:49
Floor 12-3-2 – 07:37
Cyno Quickbloom Team Builds – 08:55
Dehya Burgeon Team Builds – 09:46
#genshinimpact #genshin #原神 #spiralabyss #cyno #yelan #lumine #luminegenshinimpact #yaoyao #dehya #xingqiu #nahida #bennett
Not tht much fond of cyno… it was ok still…It was a bonus abyss cleaning ✨✨ coz… Welcome to our collection ✨❤️DEHYA ✨❤️
you have my respects for pulling dehya and my admiration for trying to make her work.
all hyperbloom teamcomps have the same clear time
this is a good team comp, def trying it out
lol, remove dehya from this squad and use attacks and E (every 2 seconds) for bennett, your strength will up to 200%.
12.2.1 i see how bad cyno thx for showcase