Biggest Bait Banner EVER | SoO hard Not to Summon for Kokomi & Weapon Banner… | Genshin Impact

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26 thoughts on “Biggest Bait Banner EVER | SoO hard Not to Summon for Kokomi & Weapon Banner… | Genshin Impact”

  1. The character banner had to be stacked or else it'd be too much copium to handle. I want the Jade cutter bad but the catalyst is basically useless on anyone else. It's an ez skip for me. If the catalyst was more universal, it'd be worth it.

  2. Man I was laughing so hard in the first minutes of the video, I'm mostly a f2p and I feel the PAIN having to decide if i'm going to skip this banner entirely or not, REALY need those Xingqiu constelations. My god, MiHoYo why you have to do this with us?!? 🙁

  3. I really want Xinqiu since i still don't have him after playing since like 1.2 but i'm on pity (guaranteed) and i really want to go for Hu Tao when she gets a rerun. What do i do?

  4. 2 characters I have c6 and 1 that I don't use (Rosaria). I think I'm good.

    Edit: I mean I might want to pull on that weapon banner. I'm trying to solo all the bosses that can be fought each character so as much as DPS Barbara is a meme I actually do need to use her at some point. Fighting Azdaha or Signora with 1 Barbara will be crazy. Then again Barbara is right at the bottom of my list so it'll probably be years before I get to her.

  5. Sad part is… even Babs can’t quite really tap into Kokomi’s weapon since her normals are not where her best damage is… Babs hits hardest on her charges… for dps might as well stick with the book from the Summer Isles if you got it, or the Widsith.

  6. meh, i'm not interested.
    i already got C6 xinque
    Qiqi, Sayu and The Goddess Noelle shall not be betrayed…and beidou is kinda redundant there.
    add in the possibility of Ganyu re-run and my cheap-to-play butt is saving hard.

  7. Seka the rule is a lot more simple. Don't summon on a banner unless you want the 5 star. When you don't want the 5 star the desire sensor will spook your shit pretty much every time. ESPECIALLY IF HAVE GUARENTEE BANNER 5 STAR (aka you lost the previous 50/50 for your 5 star)

  8. The latest banners being stacked just makes me infuriated because the only 5 star I pulled for constellations was Ayaka and her banner was atrocious. No synergies was toxic and abusive move on mihoyos part.

  9. Was thinking "I can pull 10-30 times to get that c2 Xingqiu for once…" First 10 and it's _yellow_! Nearly had a damn heart attack; luckily, Keqing. I could've sworn I was nowhere near that pity.

    Did get that Xingqiu on the 30th pull, at least.


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