Hello Everyone!

Making a highly requested video about who I believe is going to be the best supports for Xiao. This includes multiple jobs of Battery – Healer – Sub DPS. Each one is judged by how much they actually provide.



As always, big thank you to Honey link below, for all of the info I review.


34 thoughts on “BEST SUPPORTS FOR XIAO – Genshin Impact”

  1. For my team ill use : Qiqi (heal), Anemo MC(Noblesse with ER), Xiao, and Kaeya (Cryo Artifacts). Im using 2 anemo and 2 cryo for it's team buff (15% bonus Crit if enemy affected by Cryo and more movement spd & 5% CD reduces).

    For MC because im using her with 4set noblesse (and ER) i can spam her ult for C6 20% Anemo Res and 20% ATK Buff for every 20s or more.

    Qiqi ofc for her heal, i need to build more ER so i can spam her ult more (more healing and crit bonus).

    As for Kaeya, because his skill has a little of CD it's easy to effect enemys with cryo, so i could get 15% (cryo team buff) and 20% crit (from the 4set artifacts).

    I know its not the best team line up but, hey, it's fun.

    /i want to replace Anemo MC with Venti IF i could pull him, and than i'll replace Kaeya's artifacts to Noblesse and Qiqi to the Cryo sets (Venti's 4set Virides for the elemental res and CC).

    Wish for every ones luck!

  2. Hello! Im super late but my team rn is ningguang zhongli venti and bennet should i remove ning? And keep it same or do u have any suggestions? Thank you!

  3. I need some help with my team comp… I'm pretty sure I'm gonna put sucrose and bennet with xiao as the main dps. I can't really decide who to put in the last slot. I'm thinking if maybe xiangling would be a good choice since I already have her built up and I'll also get a pyro resonance with bennet. I can't use fischl, diona, and xingqiu since their in my other team with razor. Any thoughts?

  4. I don't want a battery it confuse my overall gameplay I'd say I take any of the healer except jean, I know the game is built with team comp, I want to balance co-op and solo mode, so no other additives like attack booster/resonance/ battery. PS: because sometimes I deal high sometimes I dealt less, so I don't really want to confuse my self with that like those who uses bennet like seriously? that doesn't help at all.

  5. After Zhongli get his buff on the next update, I think he will be much better for Xiao's support because of having the best shield in the game and reducing 20% all elemental & physical resistance of the enemies.

  6. Xingqiu ult won't work that well with Xiao because it doesn't shoot rainswords on plunge attacks, only on normal attacks. Though, his e is a great battery if you have sac sword on him even for non-hydro characters and the damage reduction and healing are very nice for Xiao ult.

  7. Anemo traveller c6 ability descrease enemies' Anemo RES by using the elemental burst skill, in which will increase Xiao's elemental burst damage overall. dont sleep on your aether or lumine guys

  8. Whats you thought about mine

    Xiao – Main DPS
    Jean – Sub DPS (lvl 90, C1, aquila, resonance, battery, healer)
    Fischl – with Favonius weapon
    Bennett – another healer, favonius weapon, atk buff.

    I totally invest in jean and I'm planning to transfer all of her artifact on xiao and make her support, but it's just so sad that she's not good as you said :((

  9. Iam thinking xiao sucrose Barbara (tho iam willing to change her if I get another healer ) and fischel is just an option I personally want a character that give constant elemental so swirl can occur , on the new update 1.3 idk which hero to pick to go along with xiao Iam not about chong so iam just waiting xD (Iam down to consider any recommendation y’all gimmie)

  10. I was thinking of choosing Chongyun in the event and my team would be Barbara Fischl Xiao and Chongyun. But now I'm a bit confused, maybe I'll continue with my current party and just switch Xiangling to Xiao. It would be Barbara Fischl Xiao and Albedo. If someone knows about things like this please give me some tips

  11. my current team is xiao, xinyan, barbara and fischl but i’m thinking about changing it for xiao, bennet, xingqiu and fischl. do you think i should change my team or keep it like it is right now?


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